Module musx.ran
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import random
import math
from .tools import rescale
# moved: between, odds, pick to here
def between(a, b):
Returns a random value between a and b (exclusive).
An int is returned if both a and b are ints,
otherwise a float is returned. The a value can be
less than, equal to, or greater than b.
a : int | float
The lower bound for the random selection.
b : int | float
The upper bound for the random selection.
A randomly chosen value between a and b.
if (a < b):
if isinstance(a, int) and isinstance(b, int):
return random.randrange(a, b)
return a + (random.random() * (b - a))
if (a > b):
if isinstance(a, int) and isinstance(b, int):
return a - random.randrange(b)
return a - (random.random() * (a - b))
return a
def odds(prob, true=True, false=False):
Returns true value if a random choice is less than prob else returns
the false.
prob : float | int
A value between 0 and 1 inclusive.
true : value
If odds is true the true value is returned.
false : value
If odds is false the false value is returned.
Either the true value or the false value based on probability.
if 0 <= prob <= 1.0:
return true if random.random() < prob else false
raise ValueError(f"{prob} not a number between 0 and 1.")
def pick(*args):
Randomly picks one of its arguments to return.
*args : variadic
A series of values from which one will be randomly selected.
One value from the argument list.
return args[random.randrange(len(args))]
def vary(value, variance, shift=None):
Returns a random number that deviates from value or list of the same by
up to variance (1=100%) according to shift.
value : number | list
The value or list of values to vary.
variance : number
The maximum amount to vary the value by, e.g. 0.5 means the variance
could be up to 50% of the input value.
shift : None | "+" | "-"
Specifies where the variance is placed. If None then then value is at the
center of what could be returned. Shift "+" places value at the minimum
of what could be returned and "-" means that value is the maximum possible
value returned.
if isinstance(value, list):
return [vary(v, variance, shift) for v in value]
if value == 0 or variance == 0:
return val
r = abs(value * variance)
v = random.random() * r
if shift == None:
return (value - (r * .5)) + v
if shift == '+':
return value + v
if shift == '-':
return value - v
raise ValueError("shift should be None, '+', or '-' ({shift})")
def shuffle (*args, **kwargs):
Returns a new list containing the random reordering of an input
list, tuple or variadic sequence of values. The optional keyword
arguments 'start' and 'end' allow just a sub-sequence of the
input values to be shuffled.
args : list | tuple | variadic
The values to shuffle
start : int
Starting position in the list to shuffle, defaults to 0.
end : int
Inclusive ending position in the list to shuffle,
defaults to the length of the input.
# print("args:", args, "numargs:", len(args), "kwargs:", kwargs)
if isinstance(args[0], list):
args = args[0].copy()
args = list(args)
arglen = len(args)
start = kwargs.get('start', 0)
end = kwargs.get('end', arglen)
width = end - start
for i in range(start, end):
j = start + random.randrange(width)
args[i], args[j] = args[j], args[i]
return args
def ransegs(num, mapto, rangen=None):
Returns a list of random number segments.
num : int
The number of random values returned in the list.
mapto : number | [low, high]
If mapto is a number then the values retuned will sum to that number.
If mapto is a list then the random values are sorted and scaled to
lie proportionatly from low to high.
rangen : None | function
If function is provided it will be called to return random numbers,
otherwise uniform random numbers between are generated.
#print(f"ransegs(num={num}, mapto={mapto})")
segs = []
rsum = 0
if rangen == None:
rangen = random.random
for i in range(num):
n = rangen()
rsum += n
if isinstance(mapto, (list, tuple)):
#print("raws", segs)
for i in range(num):
segs[i] = rescale(segs[i], segs[0], segs[-1], mapto[0], mapto[1])
#print("raws", segs)
for i in range(num):
segs[i] = rescale(segs[i], 0, rsum, 0, mapto)
#print("segs", segs)
return segs
# Random number functions with different distributions
def uniran():
Returns a uniformly chosen floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0.
See also: lowran(), midran(), highran().
return random.random()
def lowran():
Returns a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0 with lower
values more likely. See also: uniran(), midran(), highran().
return min(random.random(), random.random())
def midran():
Returns a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0 with midrange
values more likely. See also: uniran(), lowran(), highran().
return (random.random() + random.random()) / 2.0
def highran():
Returns a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0 with higher
values more likely. See also: uniran(), lowran(), midran().
return max(random.random(), random.random())
def beta(alpha=.5, beta=.5):
Returns value between 0 and 1 from the beta distribution (
When a=b=1 the distribution is uniform. When alpha=beta, the distribution is
symmetric around .5. When alpha<1 and beta<1 then the density of larger and
smaller numbers increases. When alpha>1 and beta>1, density is similar to the
gaussian distribution.
ra = 1.0 / alpha
rb = 1.0 / beta
while True:
r1 = random.random()
r2 = random.random()
y1 = r1 ** ra
y2 = r2 ** rb
y3 = y1 + y2
if y3 <= 1.0:
return (y1 / y3)
def gamma(alpha=1):
Returns value greater than 0 from the gamma distribution
Parameter alpha controls the distribution's shape and should be a positive integer
(if a non-integer is provided, the value is rounded.) When alpha=1, the
distribution is the same as exponential. As its value increases, the
probability density function becomes a curve with mean=alpha and standard
deviation = sqrt(alpha).
r = 1.0
n = round(alpha)
for i in range(n):
r = r * (1 - random.random())
return - math.log(r)
def poisson(alpha=1):
Returns value greater than 0 from the poisson distribution
Returns positive integer values, theoretically unbounded but practically
limited by the alpha parameter. Parameter alpha controls the distribution's
shape and must be positive: the mean is a and the standard deviation is sqrt(a).
b = math.exp( - alpha)
n = 0
p = 1.0
while True:
p = p * random.random()
n += 1
if p < b:
return n
def expran(alpha=1):
Returns a value greater than 0 from the exponential distribution
( with stretching factor alpha.
Increasing alpha "prefers" smaller numbers. The distribution is unbounded but when
alpha=1 then %99.9 of the time the value returned will be than 6.9077554, i.e. -log(.001).
The distribution density is f(x)=(exp -x) with a mean of 1.0.
return (- math.log(1.0 - random.random())) / alpha
def gauss(sigma=1, mu=0):
Returns unbounded value from the normal distribution
( with standard deviation
sigma and mean mu. The spread (standard deviation) is 1.0 centered at 0,
so 68.26% of the results are between -1 and 1 inclusive and 99.74% of the
results are between -3 and 3 inclusive.
while True:
x = -1 + 2 * random.random()
y = -1 + 2 * random.random()
r2 = (x * x) + (y * y)
if not ((r2 > 1.0) or (r2 == 0)):
return (sigma * y * math.sqrt(-2.0 * math.log(r2) / r2)) + mu
def cauchy(alpha=False):
Returns an unbounded value from the Cauchy distribution
The density function is a bell shaped curve centered at 0 similar to a
normal distribution but with more values at the extremes. The mean and
standard deviation of the Cauchy distribution are undefined. If parameter
alpha is True then only positive values are returned. Density is f(x)=1/(pi(1 + x^2)).
#return math.tan( math.pi * 2 * (random.random() - 0.5))
r = (1.5707964 if alpha else math.pi) * random.random()
return sin(r) / cos(r)
# Noises white, brown and pink return sample values -1.0 to 1.0
def white(level=None):
Returns white (uniform) noise samples between -1.0 and 1.0.
level : None or int or float
An optional scaler on the sample returned.
samp = random.random() * 2.0 - 1.0
return samp * level if level else samp
# def _lowpass(current, previous, alpha):
# """
# The change from one filter output to the next is proportional to the
# difference between the previous output and the next input.
# """
# return previous + (alpha * (current - previous))
# _brown = white()
# """ The previous brown sample, initialzed to a random number."""
# def brown(alpha=.02):
# global _brown
# samp = _lowpass(white(), _brown, alpha)
# _brown = samp
# return samp * 3.0 # boost the overall gain
_brown = 0.0
def brown():
Returns brownish (1/f**2) noise samples between -1 and 1.
# from
# but made to generate between -1 1
global _brown
while True:
r = random.random() * 2 - 1
_brown += r
if (_brown < -16.0) or (_brown > 16.0):
_brown -= r
# return interval -1 1.
return _brown * 0.0625
_pow2 = 5
_pown = 32
_pinking = [0.0 for _ in range(_pown+1)]
def _one_over_f_aux(n, rarray, halfrange):
s = 0.0
for i in range(_pow2):
p = 2.0 ** i
if not ( (n / p) == ((n - 1) / p) ):
rarray[i]=( (random.random() * 2 * halfrange) - halfrange)
s += rarray[i]
return s
_i = _pown
def pink():
Returns pinkish (1/f) noise samples between -1.0 and 1.0. Based on Gardner
(1978) and Dick Moore (1988?).
global _i
if _i == _pown:
r = [0.0 for _ in range(_pow2)]
h = 1.0 / _pow2
for n in range(_pown):
_pinking[n]=_one_over_f_aux(n, r, h)
_i = 0
_i += 1
return _pinking[_i]
def drunk(val, width=1):
Returns a gnerator to produce numbers in a "drunken walk" where the next
value returned is constrained to lie within the bounds of the previous
value plus/minus width. If val and width are both integers then integer
values are returned otherwise floating point values are returned.
val : int | float
The initial value returned by the walk. Thereafter drunk internally
updates this value according to width.
width : int | float
Constrains the next value returned to be within the bounds of the
current value plus/minus width.
func = random.randint if isinstance(val, int) and isinstance(width, int) else random.uniform
i = 0
while True:
yield val
val += func(-width, width)
i += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
ransegs(num=5, mapto=10)
ransegs(num=5, mapto=(0,4))
ransegs(num=5, mapto=(-2,4))
# x = 60
# for i in range(20):
# print(x)
# x = drunk(x, width=2)
# print(x)
# for i in range(20):
# print(pink())
# for i in range(20):
# print(brown())
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# beta(.3, .3)
# x = [pink() for _ in range(10000)]
# plt.hist(x, bins=20, facecolor="blue", alpha=0.5)
# y = [expran(1.5) for _ in range(1000)]
# plt.hist(y, bins=20, facecolor="blue", alpha=0.5)
# #plt.plot(y)
#ransegs(5, 2, 4)
#ransegs(5, 0, 10)
#ransegs(5, 0, 10)
#ransegs(5, -10, 10)
#ransegs(5, sumto=10)
#x = ransegs(5, 10)
#print("sum=", sum(x))
(define (segs num sum)
(let ((rgen ran)
(args ()))
(let* ((rsum (apply rgen args))
(head (list rsum))
(tail head))
(print "rgen " rgen " rsum " rsum " args " args " head" head)
(do ((i 1 (+ i 1))
(n #f))
((not (< i num))
(do ((tail head (cdr tail)))
((null? tail) head)
(set-car! tail
(ffi_rescale (car tail) 0 rsum 0 sum 1))))
(set! n (apply rgen args))
(set-cdr! tail (list n))
(set! tail (cdr tail))
(set! rsum (+ rsum n))))
(let ((l (segs 7 2)))
(print l)
(apply + l))
def beta(alpha=0.5, beta=0.5)
Returns value between 0 and 1 from the beta distribution ( When a=b=1 the distribution is uniform. When alpha=beta, the distribution is symmetric around .5. When alpha<1 and beta<1 then the density of larger and smaller numbers increases. When alpha>1 and beta>1, density is similar to the gaussian distribution.
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def beta(alpha=.5, beta=.5): """ Returns value between 0 and 1 from the beta distribution ( When a=b=1 the distribution is uniform. When alpha=beta, the distribution is symmetric around .5. When alpha<1 and beta<1 then the density of larger and smaller numbers increases. When alpha>1 and beta>1, density is similar to the gaussian distribution. """ ra = 1.0 / alpha rb = 1.0 / beta while True: r1 = random.random() r2 = random.random() y1 = r1 ** ra y2 = r2 ** rb y3 = y1 + y2 if y3 <= 1.0: return (y1 / y3)
def between(a, b)
Returns a random value between a and b (exclusive).
An int is returned if both a and b are ints, otherwise a float is returned. The a value can be less than, equal to, or greater than b.
:int | float
- The lower bound for the random selection.
:int | float
- The upper bound for the random selection.
A randomly chosen value between a and b.
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def between(a, b): """ Returns a random value between a and b (exclusive). An int is returned if both a and b are ints, otherwise a float is returned. The a value can be less than, equal to, or greater than b. Parameters ---------- a : int | float The lower bound for the random selection. b : int | float The upper bound for the random selection. Returns ------- A randomly chosen value between a and b. """ if (a < b): if isinstance(a, int) and isinstance(b, int): return random.randrange(a, b) else: return a + (random.random() * (b - a)) if (a > b): if isinstance(a, int) and isinstance(b, int): return a - random.randrange(b) else: return a - (random.random() * (a - b)) return a
def brown()
Returns brownish (1/f**2) noise samples between -1 and 1.
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def brown(): """ Returns brownish (1/f**2) noise samples between -1 and 1. """ # from # but made to generate between -1 1 global _brown while True: r = random.random() * 2 - 1 _brown += r if (_brown < -16.0) or (_brown > 16.0): _brown -= r else: break # return interval -1 1. return _brown * 0.0625
def cauchy(alpha=False)
Returns an unbounded value from the Cauchy distribution ( The density function is a bell shaped curve centered at 0 similar to a normal distribution but with more values at the extremes. The mean and standard deviation of the Cauchy distribution are undefined. If parameter alpha is True then only positive values are returned. Density is f(x)=1/(pi(1 + x^2)).
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def cauchy(alpha=False): """ Returns an unbounded value from the Cauchy distribution ( The density function is a bell shaped curve centered at 0 similar to a normal distribution but with more values at the extremes. The mean and standard deviation of the Cauchy distribution are undefined. If parameter alpha is True then only positive values are returned. Density is f(x)=1/(pi(1 + x^2)). """ #return math.tan( math.pi * 2 * (random.random() - 0.5)) r = (1.5707964 if alpha else math.pi) * random.random() return sin(r) / cos(r)
def drunk(val, width=1)
Returns a gnerator to produce numbers in a "drunken walk" where the next value returned is constrained to lie within the bounds of the previous value plus/minus width. If val and width are both integers then integer values are returned otherwise floating point values are returned.
:int | float
- The initial value returned by the walk. Thereafter drunk internally updates this value according to width.
:int | float
- Constrains the next value returned to be within the bounds of the current value plus/minus width.
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def drunk(val, width=1): """ Returns a gnerator to produce numbers in a "drunken walk" where the next value returned is constrained to lie within the bounds of the previous value plus/minus width. If val and width are both integers then integer values are returned otherwise floating point values are returned. Parameters ---------- val : int | float The initial value returned by the walk. Thereafter drunk internally updates this value according to width. width : int | float Constrains the next value returned to be within the bounds of the current value plus/minus width. """ func = random.randint if isinstance(val, int) and isinstance(width, int) else random.uniform i = 0 while True: yield val val += func(-width, width) i += 1
def expran(alpha=1)
Returns a value greater than 0 from the exponential distribution ( with stretching factor alpha. Increasing alpha "prefers" smaller numbers. The distribution is unbounded but when alpha=1 then %99.9 of the time the value returned will be than 6.9077554, i.e. -log(.001). The distribution density is f(x)=(exp -x) with a mean of 1.0.
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def expran(alpha=1): """ Returns a value greater than 0 from the exponential distribution ( with stretching factor alpha. Increasing alpha "prefers" smaller numbers. The distribution is unbounded but when alpha=1 then %99.9 of the time the value returned will be than 6.9077554, i.e. -log(.001). The distribution density is f(x)=(exp -x) with a mean of 1.0. """ return (- math.log(1.0 - random.random())) / alpha
def gamma(alpha=1)
Returns value greater than 0 from the gamma distribution ( Parameter alpha controls the distribution's shape and should be a positive integer (if a non-integer is provided, the value is rounded.) When alpha=1, the distribution is the same as exponential. As its value increases, the probability density function becomes a curve with mean=alpha and standard deviation = sqrt(alpha).
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def gamma(alpha=1): """ Returns value greater than 0 from the gamma distribution ( Parameter alpha controls the distribution's shape and should be a positive integer (if a non-integer is provided, the value is rounded.) When alpha=1, the distribution is the same as exponential. As its value increases, the probability density function becomes a curve with mean=alpha and standard deviation = sqrt(alpha). """ r = 1.0 n = round(alpha) for i in range(n): r = r * (1 - random.random()) return - math.log(r)
def gauss(sigma=1, mu=0)
Returns unbounded value from the normal distribution ( with standard deviation sigma and mean mu. The spread (standard deviation) is 1.0 centered at 0, so 68.26% of the results are between -1 and 1 inclusive and 99.74% of the results are between -3 and 3 inclusive.
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def gauss(sigma=1, mu=0): """ Returns unbounded value from the normal distribution ( with standard deviation sigma and mean mu. The spread (standard deviation) is 1.0 centered at 0, so 68.26% of the results are between -1 and 1 inclusive and 99.74% of the results are between -3 and 3 inclusive. """ while True: x = -1 + 2 * random.random() y = -1 + 2 * random.random() r2 = (x * x) + (y * y) if not ((r2 > 1.0) or (r2 == 0)): break return (sigma * y * math.sqrt(-2.0 * math.log(r2) / r2)) + mu
def highran()
Returns a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0 with higher values more likely. See also: uniran(), lowran(), midran().
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def highran(): """ Returns a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0 with higher values more likely. See also: uniran(), lowran(), midran(). """ return max(random.random(), random.random())
def lowran()
Returns a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0 with lower values more likely. See also: uniran(), midran(), highran().
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def lowran(): """ Returns a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0 with lower values more likely. See also: uniran(), midran(), highran(). """ return min(random.random(), random.random())
def midran()
Returns a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0 with midrange values more likely. See also: uniran(), lowran(), highran().
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def midran(): """ Returns a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0 with midrange values more likely. See also: uniran(), lowran(), highran(). """ return (random.random() + random.random()) / 2.0
def odds(prob, true=True, false=False)
Returns true value if a random choice is less than prob else returns the false.
:float | int
- A value between 0 and 1 inclusive.
- If odds is true the true value is returned.
- If odds is false the false value is returned.
Either the true value or the false value based on probability.
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def odds(prob, true=True, false=False): """ Returns true value if a random choice is less than prob else returns the false. Parameters ---------- prob : float | int A value between 0 and 1 inclusive. true : value If odds is true the true value is returned. false : value If odds is false the false value is returned. Returns ------- Either the true value or the false value based on probability. """ if 0 <= prob <= 1.0: return true if random.random() < prob else false raise ValueError(f"{prob} not a number between 0 and 1.")
def pick(*args)
Randomly picks one of its arguments to return.
- A series of values from which one will be randomly selected.
One value from the argument list.
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def pick(*args): """ Randomly picks one of its arguments to return. Parameters ---------- *args : variadic A series of values from which one will be randomly selected. Returns ------- One value from the argument list. """ return args[random.randrange(len(args))]
def pink()
Returns pinkish (1/f) noise samples between -1.0 and 1.0. Based on Gardner (1978) and Dick Moore (1988?).
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def pink(): """ Returns pinkish (1/f) noise samples between -1.0 and 1.0. Based on Gardner (1978) and Dick Moore (1988?). """ global _i if _i == _pown: r = [0.0 for _ in range(_pow2)] h = 1.0 / _pow2 for n in range(_pown): _pinking[n]=_one_over_f_aux(n, r, h) _i = 0 else: _i += 1 return _pinking[_i]
def poisson(alpha=1)
Returns value greater than 0 from the poisson distribution ( Returns positive integer values, theoretically unbounded but practically limited by the alpha parameter. Parameter alpha controls the distribution's shape and must be positive: the mean is a and the standard deviation is sqrt(a).
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def poisson(alpha=1): """ Returns value greater than 0 from the poisson distribution ( Returns positive integer values, theoretically unbounded but practically limited by the alpha parameter. Parameter alpha controls the distribution's shape and must be positive: the mean is a and the standard deviation is sqrt(a). """ b = math.exp( - alpha) n = 0 p = 1.0 while True: p = p * random.random() n += 1 if p < b: return n
def ransegs(num, mapto, rangen=None)
Returns a list of random number segments.
- The number of random values returned in the list.
:number | [low, high]
- If mapto is a number then the values retuned will sum to that number. If mapto is a list then the random values are sorted and scaled to lie proportionatly from low to high.
:None | function
- If function is provided it will be called to return random numbers, otherwise uniform random numbers between are generated.
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def ransegs(num, mapto, rangen=None): """ Returns a list of random number segments. Parameters ---------- num : int The number of random values returned in the list. mapto : number | [low, high] If mapto is a number then the values retuned will sum to that number. If mapto is a list then the random values are sorted and scaled to lie proportionatly from low to high. rangen : None | function If function is provided it will be called to return random numbers, otherwise uniform random numbers between are generated. """ #print(f"ransegs(num={num}, mapto={mapto})") segs = [] rsum = 0 if rangen == None: rangen = random.random for i in range(num): n = rangen() segs.append(n) rsum += n if isinstance(mapto, (list, tuple)): segs.sort() #print("raws", segs) for i in range(num): segs[i] = rescale(segs[i], segs[0], segs[-1], mapto[0], mapto[1]) else: #print("raws", segs) for i in range(num): segs[i] = rescale(segs[i], 0, rsum, 0, mapto) #print("segs", segs) return segs
def shuffle(*args, **kwargs)
Returns a new list containing the random reordering of an input list, tuple or variadic sequence of values. The optional keyword arguments 'start' and 'end' allow just a sub-sequence of the input values to be shuffled.
:list | tuple | variadic
- The values to shuffle
- Starting position in the list to shuffle, defaults to 0.
- Inclusive ending position in the list to shuffle, defaults to the length of the input.
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def shuffle (*args, **kwargs): """ Returns a new list containing the random reordering of an input list, tuple or variadic sequence of values. The optional keyword arguments 'start' and 'end' allow just a sub-sequence of the input values to be shuffled. Parameters ---------- args : list | tuple | variadic The values to shuffle start : int Starting position in the list to shuffle, defaults to 0. end : int Inclusive ending position in the list to shuffle, defaults to the length of the input. """ # print("args:", args, "numargs:", len(args), "kwargs:", kwargs) if isinstance(args[0], list): args = args[0].copy() else: args = list(args) arglen = len(args) start = kwargs.get('start', 0) end = kwargs.get('end', arglen) width = end - start for i in range(start, end): j = start + random.randrange(width) args[i], args[j] = args[j], args[i] return args
def uniran()
Returns a uniformly chosen floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0. See also: lowran(), midran(), highran().
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def uniran(): """ Returns a uniformly chosen floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0. See also: lowran(), midran(), highran(). """ return random.random()
def vary(value, variance, shift=None)
Returns a random number that deviates from value or list of the same by up to variance (1=100%) according to shift.
:number | list
- The value or list of values to vary.
- The maximum amount to vary the value by, e.g. 0.5 means the variance could be up to 50% of the input value.
:None | "+" | "-"
- Specifies where the variance is placed. If None then then value is at the center of what could be returned. Shift "+" places value at the minimum of what could be returned and "-" means that value is the maximum possible value returned.
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def vary(value, variance, shift=None): """ Returns a random number that deviates from value or list of the same by up to variance (1=100%) according to shift. Parameters ---------- value : number | list The value or list of values to vary. variance : number The maximum amount to vary the value by, e.g. 0.5 means the variance could be up to 50% of the input value. shift : None | "+" | "-" Specifies where the variance is placed. If None then then value is at the center of what could be returned. Shift "+" places value at the minimum of what could be returned and "-" means that value is the maximum possible value returned. """ if isinstance(value, list): return [vary(v, variance, shift) for v in value] if value == 0 or variance == 0: return val r = abs(value * variance) v = random.random() * r if shift == None: return (value - (r * .5)) + v if shift == '+': return value + v if shift == '-': return value - v raise ValueError("shift should be None, '+', or '-' ({shift})")
def white(level=None)
Returns white (uniform) noise samples between -1.0 and 1.0.
- An optional scaler on the sample returned.
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def white(level=None): """ Returns white (uniform) noise samples between -1.0 and 1.0. Parameters ---------- level : None or int or float An optional scaler on the sample returned. """ samp = random.random() * 2.0 - 1.0 return samp * level if level else samp