Module musx.patterns
An object-orientated implemention of Python iterators that yield patterns in data,
from simple looping and randomness to more complex processes such as markov
chains, cellular automata and chaos.
Many of these patterns allow subpatterns and
expressions to be embedded inside parent patterns and processed seamlessly by the
Pattern's next()
For more information see the patterns.ipynb tutorial
and the demos folder for many examples of using musx patterns to generate music.
Expand source code
An object-orientated implemention of Python iterators that yield patterns in data,
from simple looping and randomness to more complex processes such as markov
chains, cellular automata and chaos. Many of these patterns allow subpatterns and
expressions to be embedded inside parent patterns and processed seamlessly by the
Pattern's `next()` method. For more information see the patterns.ipynb tutorial
and the demos folder for many examples of using musx patterns to generate music.
from import Iterator
import random
from math import ceil, floor
class Pattern(Iterator):
'''The base class for all patterns provides a specialized `next()` function.'''
def __init__(self, items, mini, period=None):
if not isinstance(items, list) or len(items) < mini:
raise TypeError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} input {items} is not a list of {mini} or more elements.")
self.items = items
if period == None:
period = len(items)
self.period = period
#print("***period is:", period)
# length of items list
self.ilen = len(self.items)
# current index into items list
self.i = 0
# length of current period
self.plen = self._read(self.period) if isinstance(self.period, Iterator) else self.period
#print("***plen is:", self.plen)
# period counter
self.p = 0
# 'EOP' if the pattern just returned the last value of the current period
#self.eop = None
def __iter__(self):
return self
def _pname(self):
return self.__class__.__name__
def _read(pat, tup=False):
Internal function that checks if the next item is a pattern, expression,
or basic data. Do not call this method directly, use Pattern's next()
function to return the next element(s) in a pattern.
#print(f"read input: ({pat},tup={tup})")
if isinstance(pat, Pattern):
x = next(pat)
return x if tup else x[0]
# if pat is a zero-arg lambda or function, call it to produce the return value
if callable(pat):
pat = pat()
return [pat, "EOP"] if tup else pat
def next(self, more=False):
A pattern savvy version of Python's builtin `next()` function. Use this
method in place of Python's next() to access pattern elements in
flexible ways.
more : False | True | int
If more is False (the default) then Pattern's next() function
will return the next item in the pattern. If more is True then
the (remaining) items in the current period are returned as a list.
Otherwises, if more is an integer greater than 0 then that many
items will be returned as a list.
One or more items in the pattern.
>>> c = Cycle([1, 2, 3, 4])
[2, 3, 4]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2]
It is possible to use Python's builtin `next()` function to read a pattern, in this
case you will receive a two element list holding the item from the pattern and an
'end of period' marker (EOP). In contrast, Pattern's `next()` handles
end of periods invisibly and provides more flexibility for accessing the data.
>>> c = Cycle([1, 2, 3, 4])
# python's next():
>>> [next(c) for _ in range(4)]
[[1, None], [2, None], [3, None], [4, 'EOP']]
# pattern's next():
[1, 2, 3, 4]
if more is False:
return self.__next__()[0]
items = []
if more is True:
# collect items until end of period
while True:
i = self.__next__()
if i[1] == 'EOP':
return items
for i in range(0, more):
return items
class Cycle(Pattern):
Returns a pattern that yields its items in a continuous cycle.
items : list
The list of values to generate.
period : None | int | subpattern
The period determines how many elements are read before
an EOP (end-of-period) flag is returned. The default value
is None, which allows the pattern to use its default length,
usually equal to the number of items in its data.
>>> Cycle([1,2,3]).next(5)
[1, 2, 3, 1, 2]
def __init__(self, items, period=None):
super().__init__(items, 1, period)
def __next__(self):
item = Pattern._read(self.items[self.i], tup=True)
#print(f"after read: item is {item}")
if item[1] == 'EOP':
# (sub)item is at the end of its period
# so increment this pattern's index to the next item
if self.i == self.ilen - 1:
self.i = 0
self.i += 1
# if p is now the last index in the current period
# signal eop and read the next period length
#print("self.p:", self.p, "self.plen:", self.plen)
if self.p == self.plen - 1:
self.p = 0
self.plen = Pattern._read(self.period) # get next period length
#print(f"after xxx read: plen is {self.plen}")
self.p += 1
item[1] = None
return item
class Palindrome(Pattern):
Returns a generator that yields its items in a palindrome.
items : list
The list of values to generate.
wrap : '++' | '+-' | '-+' | '--'
Determines how first and last elements are treated when the pattern reverses.
If the items are [1, 2, 3] then wrap will produce:
* '++' Both first and last items are repeated: 1,2,3,3,2,1,1,2,3 ...
* '+-' Only the first item is repeated: 1,2,3,2,1,1,2,3 ...
* '-+' Only the last item is repeated: 1,2,3,3,2,1,2,3 ...
* '--' Neither is repeated: 1,2,3,2,1,2,3 ...
period : None | int | subpattern
The period determines how many elements are read before
an EOP (end-of-period) flag is returned. By default the
period length will be equal to the number of items in the list.
>>> palindrome([1,2,3]).next(10)
[1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3]
>>> Palindrome([1,2,3], wrap='+-').next(10)
[1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2]
print(Palindrome([1,2,3], wrap='-+').next(10)
[1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1]
>>> Palindrome([1,2,3], wrap='--').next(10)
[1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2]
def __init__(self, items, period=None, wrap='++'):
match wrap:
case '++': items = items + items[::-1] # repeat first and last
case '+-': items = items + items[-2::-1] # repeat first not last
case '-+': items = items + items[-1:0:-1] # repeat last not first
case '--': items = items + items[-2:0:-1] # dont repeat first or last
case _:
raise ValueError(f"Wrap value {wrap} is not '++', '+-', '-+', or '--'.")
super().__init__(items, 3, period)
def __next__(self):
item = Pattern._read(self.items[self.i], tup=True)
if item[1] == 'EOP':
if self.i == self.ilen - 1:
self.i = 0
self.i += 1
if self.p == self.plen - 1:
self.p = 0
self.plen = Pattern._read(self.period) # get next period length
self.p += 1
item[1] = None
return item
class Range(Pattern):
Range is similar in syntax to Python's range() generator, but its *start*,
*stop* and *step* parameters will accept integers, patterns, or thunks
(lambda expressions or functions of zero arguments). Unlike Python's
range() the Range pattern does not terminate: once the step is out-of-bounds
the pattern will reset itself to its next start, stop and step values
as determined by the range values passed in. Another difference is that
patterns always return something, so incompatible start, stop and step specifications will raise
an error rather than return nothing.
start : int | pattern | thunk
The initial value to generate.
stop : int | pattern | thunk
The limit on the range. This must be strictly larger or smaller
than the start.
step : int | pattern | thunk
A non-zero increment amount, defaults to 1.
period : None | int | subpattern
The period determines how many elements are read before
an EOP (end-of-period) flag is returned. By default the
period length will be the distance between start and stop.
def __init__(self, start, stop=None, step=None, period=None):
if stop is None:
stop = start
start = 0
if step is None:
step = 1
# class init only handles the period value.
super().__init__([], 0, period)
# the items field will hold the user's start stop and step values.
self.items = [start, stop, step]
# if no period specified then zero out the counters. If a period was
# specified then uptate
if not period:
self.period, self.p, self.plen = None, None, None
#print("self.period=", self.period, "self.plen=", self.plen, "self.p=", self.p)
def __next__(self):
# self.range is [start, stop, step, span]
# start is incremented by step and span is decremented by 1.
# get current value
next = [self.range[0], None]
# increment start by step
self.range[0] += self.range[2]
# decrement range count by 1
self.range[3] -= 1
# if current range is complete call _setrange() to make a new range
if self.range[3] == 0:
# if no explict period then signal end of period.
if not self.period:
next[1] = 'EOP'
# if user set an explict period return EOP if at the end.
if self.period:
if self.p == self.plen - 1:
self.p = 0
self.plen = Pattern._read(self.period) # get next period length
next[1] = 'EOP'
self.p += 1
# return current value
return next
def _setrange(self):
names = ["start", "stop", "step"]
# assign self.range the numeric values [start, stop, step, span]
# start is the value that ranges, stop is the boundary of
# the range, step is the increment, and span is the distance
# between start and stop.
self.range = []
# self.items could hold constants, patterns or thunks.
for i,v in enumerate(self.items):
v = Pattern._read(v)
# allow only ints.
if not isinstance(v, int):
raise TypeError(f"{names[i]} value {v} is not an integer.")
start, stop, step = self.range
# step cannot be zero, if step is positive then start must be
# strictly less than stop, if step is negative then start must
# be strictly larger than stop.
if not ((start < stop and step > 0) or (start > stop and step < 0)):
raise ValueError(f"Step {step} not in range for start={start} stop={stop}.")
# set the span of the pattern to the initial distance between
# start and stop as a positive integer. so if its a descending
# range swap start and stop and insure step is positive.
if step < 0:
start, stop = stop, start
step = abs(step)
self.range.append(ceil((stop - start) / step))
#print(f"Range: start={start}, stop={stop}, step={step} period={self.period}")
class Shuffle(Pattern):
Returns a pattern that yields its items by random permutation.
items : list
The list of items to generate. Each item in the list
can be a python object or a sub-pattern.
period : None | int | subpattern
The period determines how many elements are read before
an EOP (end-of-period) flag is returned. The defaule value
is none, which means the shuffle'a period length will be
equal to the number of items in the pattern.
norep : bool
If true then after shuffles the next item cannot repeat
the last item produced.
The first example permits direct repetition between shuffles, the second forbids it.
>>> Shuffle(["a","b","c"]).next(12)
['c', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'b', 'a']
>>> Shuffle(["a","b","c"], norep=True).next(12)
['a', 'c', 'b', 'c', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b']
def __init__(self, items, period=None, norep=False):
super().__init__(items.copy(), 1, period)
# initialize for first period
self.norep = norep
def __next__(self):
item = Pattern._read(self.items[self.i], tup=True)
if item[1] == 'EOP':
# at end of items, reshuffle
if self.i == self.ilen - 1:
self.i = 0
last = self.items[-1]
# continue to shuffle if user specified no repeat
# and the next item is the same as the last
while (self.norep and self.items[0] == last and self.ilen > 1):
self.i += 1
if self.p == self.plen - 1:
self.p = 0
self.plen = Pattern._read(self.period) # get next period length
self.p += 1
item[1] = None
return item
class Choose(Pattern):
Yields its items by weighted random selection.
By default all items have an equal probability of being returned.
items : list
The list of items to generate. Each item in the list can
be an item or a list: [item weight] where the first value is
the item to return and weight is the probability of the item
being selected relative to the other items in the list. If
no weight is provided for an item it receives a default
weight of 1.0. If no weights are provided then all the items
are chosen with equal probability.
weights : list | None
A list of relative probablity weights that determine the likelyhood
of its corresponding pattern item being returned. If no weights are
provided then items are chosen with equal probability. Relative
weights do not have to sum to 1 because the pattern automatically
converts them to probabilities. In addtion to numerical weifhts,
dynamic weight *expressions* consisting of lambda expressions or
functions of 0 arguments can also be specified. Dynamic weight
expressions are reevaluated each time the pattern begins a new
period to allow the pattern choices to evolve over time.
period : None | int | subpattern
The period determines how many elements are read before
an EOP (end-of-period) flag is returned. By default the
the period will be equal to the number of items in the list.
In this example the value 3 likely appears half the time.
>>> Choose([1,2,3], [1,1,2]).next(10)
[3, 2, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3]
def __init__(self, items, weights=[], period=None):
super().__init__(items, 1, period)
self.weights = weights.copy()
if not self.weights:
# equal probablity for each item. weights will hold monotonically
# increasing, equally proportioned, exclusive upper bounds upto
# and including 1.0. example: end=5 => [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]
#self.weights = [(i+1)/self.ilen for i in range(self.ilen)]
self.weights = [1 for _ in range(self.ilen)]
elif not isinstance(self.weights, list):
raise TypeError(f'Weights {self.weights} is not a list.')
elif self.ilen < len(self.weights):
raise IndexError('Too many weights provided.')
elif self.ilen > len(self.weights):
raise IndexError('Too few weights provided.')
####print('raw weights:', self.weights)
# evalindexes will hold the index(es) of weight
# expressions that have to be dynamically evaluated.
self.evalindexes = []
for i,w in enumerate(weights):
if isinstance(w, (int, float)):
elif callable(w):
raise IndexError(f"Weight {w} is not an int, float or thunk.")
def _calcprobabilities(self):
Calculates a probability map from the user specified list
of probability weights, any of which may be dynamic. Example:
user weights: [1, 2, 3, 4]
normalize to 1.0: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]
probability map: [0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0]
the probability map splits the range [0-1) into proportional
distribution indexes:
indexes: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3
segments: 0->.1=.1 | .1->.3=.2 | .3->.6=.3 | .6->1.0=.4
Therefore, a uniform random number [0-1) will land in index 3 cell
four times more often than in the index 0 cell, so the pattern's
item at index 3 will be returned four times as often as the
item at index 0.
total = 0
# copy user's weights to probabilities.
self.probabilities = self.weights.copy()
# calc total weight, for thunks eval them
# to get their current weight.
for i,w in enumerate(self.probabilities):
if i in self.evalindexes:
w = w() # evalute the thunk
self.probabilities[i] = w
total += w
####print("probabilities 1:", self.probabilities)
# total weight is known and probablities list contains
# only numeric weight values. rescale each weight so it
# is now a fractional proportion of the total.
for i,w in enumerate(self.probabilities):
self.probabilities[i] = w/total
####print("probabilities 2:", self.probabilities)
# convert values to monotonically increasing points from
# 0 upto 1. the distance between points will be proportional
# to their weight.
for i in range(1, self.ilen):
self.probabilities[i] += self.probabilities[i-1]
####print("probabilities 3:", self.probabilities)
def _chooseactiveitem(self):
pick the next item by generating a random value beween
zero and one and then finding the first index in
self.probabilities whose value is greater than the random
value. the item at the corresponding index in self.items
is the next item to return.
val = random.random()
for i in range(self.ilen):
if val < self.probabilities[i]:
self.activeitem = self.items[i]
def _hasdynamicweights(self):
'''Returns true if pattern contains one or more dynamic weights.'''
return True if self.evalindexes else False
def __next__(self):
item = Pattern._read(self.activeitem, tup=True)
if item[1] == 'EOP':
# at end of period, choose the next item
if self.p == self.plen - 1:
self.p = 0
self.plen = Pattern._read(self.period) # get next period length
# if dynamic weight expressions recalculate probabiliies
if self._hasdynamicweights():
####print("recalculating weights")
self.p += 1
item[1] = None
return item
class Graph (Pattern):
The Graph pattern is a network of nodes, each node is a 2- or 3-tuple
containing a *item*, *link*, and optional *id*. The *item* is
value to return from the node, and can be a pyton object, a subpattern,
or thunk. The node's *link* is the identifier for the next node to
visit, and *id* is this node's unique id in the graph. If no id is given
it will be set to the 1-based position of the node in the node list.
A cycle of A B C as a graph (the first node is
always followed by node 2, the second node by node 3, and node 3
returns to node 1:
Graph( [('a', 2), ('b', 3), ('c', Cycle([1, 2])])
def __init__(self, items, period=None):
super().__init__(items.copy(), 1, period)
for i,n in enumerate(self.items):
if isinstance(n, tuple):
# if node id not provided set it to node's one-based index i+1.
if len(n) == 2:
self.items[i] = n + (i+1,)
elif len(n) < 2:
raise TypeError(f'Graph node {n} missing link value.')
elif len(n) > 3:
raise TypeError(f'Too many elements in graph node {n}.')
raise TypeError(f'Graph node {n} is not a tuple.')
# set first node to be active node
self.activenode = self.items[0]
#print(f'nodes: {self.items}')
#print(f'active node: {self.activenode}')
def __next__(self):
item = Pattern._read(self.activenode[0], True)
#print(f"after read: item is {item}")
if item[1] == 'EOP':
# current node at end of period, choose the next node.
# check if this pattern is at EOP
if self.p == self.plen - 1:
self.p = 0
self.plen = Pattern._read(self.period) # get next period length
self.p += 1
item[1] = None
return item
def _nextactivenode(self):
Evaluate this node's link (identifier), find that
node in the graph and make it the active node.
nextid = Pattern._read(self.activenode[1], False)
#print(f"nextid: {nextid}")
for i in range(self.ilen):
if self.items[i][2] == nextid:
self.activenode = self.items[i]
#print(f"new active node: {self.activenode}")
raise ValueError(f"No node found for node id {nextid}.")
class Rotation(Pattern):
Permutes its items using one or more swapping rules.
items : list
The list of items to generate
swaps : list | Pattern
A list of one or more swapping rules or a pattern that
produces swapping rules. A swapping rule is a list of (up to) four
integers that control the iterative process applied to
all the items in order to produce the next generation of items:
```[start, step, width=1, end=len]```
Start is the location (zero based index) in the pattern's data to begin
swapping from, step is the rightward increment to move to the next swap
start, width is the distance between the elements swapped. End is the
position in the item list to stop the swapping at, and defaults to the
length of the item list.
period : None | int | subpattern
The period determines how many elements are read before
an EOP (end-of-period) flag is returned. By default the
shuffle period will be equal to the number of items in the list.
>>> r = Rotation(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], swaps=[0, 2, 1, 3])
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
['b', 'a', 'c', 'd']
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
def __init__(self, items, swaps, period=None):
super().__init__(items.copy(), 1, period)
isseq = lambda a: isinstance(a, (list, tuple))
isint = lambda a: isinstance(a, int)
if isseq(swaps): # swaprules is a list or tuple
if all(map(lambda x: isseq(x), swaps)): # a list of rules
self.source = Cycle(swaps)
elif all(map(lambda x: isint(x), swaps)): # the list is one rule
self.source = Cycle([swaps])
if not isinstance(self.source, Pattern):
raise ValueError(f"Swap rules {swaps} is not a list or Pattern.")
self.size = len(items)
def __next__(self):
item = Pattern._read(self.items[self.i], tup=True)
#print(f"after read: item is {item}")
if item[1] == 'EOP':
# (sub)item is at the end of its period
# so increment this pattern's index to the next item
if self.i == self.ilen - 1:
self.i = 0
# we've yielded all items in the current generation
# so do the rotations to create the next generation.
rule = Pattern._read(self.source, tup=False) #next(self.source)
rlen = len(rule)
start = rule[0]
step = rule[1]
width = rule[2] if rlen > 2 else 1
end = rule[3] if rlen > 3 else self.ilen
#print("rule:", rule, "rlen:", rlen, "start:", start, "step:", step, "width:", width, "end:", end)
# iterate left to right swapping items according to rule
for a,b in zip(range(start, end, step), range(start+width, end, step)):
self.items[a], self.items[b] = self.items[b], self.items[a]
self.i += 1
# if p is now the last index in the current period
# signal eop and read the next period length
#print("self.p:", self.p, "self.plen:", self.plen)
if self.p == self.plen - 1:
self.p = 0
self.plen = Pattern._read(self.period) # get next period length
#print(f"after xxx read: plen is {self.plen}")
self.p += 1
item[1] = None
return item
def all(self, grouped=False, wrapped=False):
Return a list of all rotations and stops when the first rotation occurs again.
Warning: rules that do not produce the original generation will trigger
an infinite loop!
grouped : bool
If grouped is True then each generation is collected as a sublist,
otherwise the rotated items are returned in one flat list.
wrapped : bool
If wrapped is True then the first generation will also be appended
to the end of list returned.
size = self.ilen
data = []
conc = data.append if grouped else data.extend
init = [self.__next__()[0] for _ in range(size)]
while (True):
more = [self.__next__()[0] for _ in range(size)]
if init == more:
if wrapped:
return data
class Markov(Pattern):
Yields items in a Markov chain. The chain is expressed as a dictionary of
rules, each rule associates a tuple of one or more past outcomes with a
list of weighted potential outcomes:
`{(past,...): [[outcome, weight], [outcome, weight], ...], ...}`
There are two shortcuts available when specifying rules:
* If the rules use only one past value (markov order 1) then you can provide
values as keys instead of tuples.
* If an outcome has a probability weight of 1 then you can specify just the
value instead of a two element list containing the value and 1.
rules : list
A dictionary of rules that generate the Markov chain. Each rule is a
key and value pair, where the key is a tuple of 1 or more past outcomes
and the value is a list of pairs [[outcome, weight1], [outcome2, weight2],...]
representing each possible next outcome together with its weight (probability).
The length of the tuples determines the markov order of the generator
and all rules must ha be the same and it .
The <next> columns in the rule contain the potential next outcomes
with their probability weights. Each column can contain just an outcome,
in which case it will be assigned a probability weight of 1, or it can
be expressed as a list [next, weight].
stop : int | None
The number of times to read from the pattern before stopping.
If None then the generator is unbounded. The default is None.
preset : past
If specified it is the initial 'past' the markov chain uses to generate
the first outcome.
The next item in the pattern.
A 1st order markov process with three rules:
1. If the last outcome was 'a' then the next outcome is either 'b' or 'c', with 'c' three times as likely as 'b'.
2. If the last outcome was 'b' then the next outcome is 'a'.
3. If the last outcome was 'c' then the next outcome is either 'a', 'c' or 'b', with 'c' being the least likely and 'a' being the most likely outcome.
>>> m = Markov({'a': ['b', ['c', 3]],
'b': ['a'],
'c': [['a', 5], 'c', ['b', 2.5]]})
>>> "".join( )
def __init__(self, items, period=None, preset=None):
# init accepts a list, not a dict to initialize the pattern
super().__init__(list(items.keys()), 1, period)
# after init call set items to the actual dictionary
self.items = items
if preset and not isinstance(preset, tuple):
preset = (preset,)
data = {}
order = 0 # the order of the markov process is the number of past events
for key, value in self.items.items():
# key holds previous outputs to match
if not isinstance(key, tuple):
key = (key,)
#print("converted key to tuple ->", key)
elif not len(key) > 0:
raise TypeError('Rule key {key} is empty.')
# value holds a list [[n1, w1], [n2, w2],...]
if not isinstance(value, list):
raise TypeError('Dictionary value {value} is not a list.')
if not order:
order = len(key)
#print("initialized order to ", order)
elif order != len(key):
raise IndexError(f"Rule matches of differnt lengths: {order} and {len(key)}.")
weight = 0 # calculated total weight of all the outcomes in the rule
outcomes = []
for col in value:
# col is either an outcome or a list: [outcome, weight]
# normalize to a list and sum their weights
if isinstance(col, list):
if len(col) == 2:
if isinstance(col[1], (int, float)):
weight += col[1]
outcomes.append(list(col)) # copy the user's list
raise ValueError(f"Outcome weight {col} is not an int or float.")
raise IndexError("Outcome {col} is not a two element list [outcome, weight].")
weight += 1
outcomes.append([col, 1])
# convert weights into probabilities 0.0 < p... < 1.0
# convert first outcome's weight into a probability.
outcomes[0][1] = outcomes[0][1] / weight
# now convert the weights above it into probabilities and
# add to the previous probability. the result will be the
# total probabilty 0-1 sectioned proportionally according
# to the weights of the outputs
for i in range(1, len(outcomes)):
outcomes[i][1] = outcomes[i-1][1] + (outcomes[i][1]/weight)
# assign outcomes to the key
data[key] = outcomes
# use the user's preset or the first past in the dictionary.
if not preset:
preset = next(iter(data)) # use first rule's past
if order == len(preset):
preset = list(preset) # copy users preset
raise IndexError(f'Preset value {preset} is not a list of {order} \
{"elements" if order > 1 else "element"}.')
# initialize the history to the preset. older values are to the left
self.items = data
self.history = preset
def __next__(self):
#item = Pattern._read(self.items[self.i], tup=True)
# find the rule that matches current history
outcomes = self.items.get(self.history)
if not outcomes:
raise ValueError(f'No rule match for {self.history}.')
# find the next outcome
randnum = random.random()
outcome = None
# find the outcome for the random number
for out in outcomes:
if randnum < out[1]:
outcome = out[0] # next outcome
# outcome is a tuple to left-shift history with current
# choice appended, and as a return value to
outcome = (outcome,)
self.history = self.history[1:] + outcome
return outcome
def analyze(data, order=1):
A factory method that returns a new Markov pattern whose characteristics
reflect the input data's structure at the given markov order.
data : list
The list of data to analyze.
order : int
The markov order for the analysis.
A Markov pattern that generates results based on the data and markov order.
>>> m = Markov.analyze([2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2], 1)
>>> m.rules
{(2,): [[2, 0.6666666666666666], [1, 1.0]], (1,): [[3, 0.5], [2, 1.0]], (3,): [[4, 1.0]], (4,): [[4, 0.5], [1, 1.0]]}
[1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4, 1, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4]
# each window is a list of one or more past values followed
# by the subsequent value: (past+, next)
windows = []
end = len(data)
for i in range(end):
windows.append(tuple(data[(i+j) % end] for j in range(order+1)) )
histogram = {}
for w in windows:
if histogram.get(w):
histogram[w] += 1
histogram[w] = 1
rules = {}
for item in histogram.items():
# tuple of one or more past outcomes
past_outcome = item[0][:-1]
future_outcome = item[0][-1]
future_weight = histogram[item[0]]
if rules.get(past_outcome):
rules[past_outcome].append([future_outcome, future_weight])
rules[past_outcome] = [[future_outcome, future_weight]]
return Markov(rules)
class States(Pattern):
Returns values from a state machine (cellular automata) and applies
a transition function to update states to their next value.
states : list
A list containing the initial states of the cellular automata. A
flat list of states produces a one dimensional automata and a row
major list of lists will create a two dimensional automata.
transitions : function
The transitions function implements the automata's state
transitions. The function is automatically called and passed
two arguments, the pattern's state array and the index of the
current cell in the states. Your transition function should
call `getstate()` to access one or more neighbor states of
the current cell in order to calculate its next state.
A transition function recives the pattern's array of states and
the index to the current state. This function calls `getstate()`
to accesses the cells to the left and right of the current cell
and returns their sum mod 4, which then becomes the next value
of the cell at the current state index.
def add_neighbors(cells, index):
left = States.getstate(cells, index, -1)
right = States.getstate(cells, index, 1)
return (left + right) % 4
>>> cells = States([0,1,0,1,0], transitions=add_neighbors)
>>> for _ in range(5): print(
[0, 1, 0, 1, 0]
[1, 0, 2, 0, 1]
[1, 3, 0, 3, 1]
[0, 1, 2, 1, 0]
[1, 2, 2, 2, 1]
def __init__(self, cells, transitions):
super().__init__(cells, 1)
if not callable(transitions):
raise TypeError(f"transitions {transitions} is not a function.")
if isinstance(cells[0], list):
# cells is a 2D automata (a list of lists)
self.indexes = [(row, col) for row in range(len(cells)) for col in range(len(cells[0]))]
self.period = len(self.indexes)
# current is a 2D copy of cells with at least 1 row and col
self.current = [list(r) for r in cells] # list(r) is copy
# future same as values but set to 0's
self.future = [[0 for _ in r] for r in cells]
# cells is a 1D automata but see below.
self.indexes = [(0, col) for col in range(len(cells))]
self.period = len(self.indexes)
# current is a 2D copy of cells with at least 1 row and col
self.current = [list(cells)] # list(cells) is copy
# future as values but set to 0's
self.future = [[0 for _ in cells]] # init future to 0's.
self.transitions = transitions
# reverse the states so that when the loop starts and
# flips with j == 0 the present states will be correct
self.current, self.future = self.future, self.current
#print('current:', self.current, 'future:', self.future, 'indexes:', self.indexes)
def __next__(self):
j = self.i % self.period
if j == 0:
#print("flipping present and future i=", self.i)
self.current, self.future = self.future, self.current
pos = self.indexes[j]
val = self.current[pos[0]][pos[1]]
nxt = self.transitions(self.current, pos)
#print("transitions value:", val)
self.future[pos[0]][pos[1]] = nxt
self.i += 1
return (val,)
def getstate(cells, pos, inc):
Call getstate() inside your States's transitions function to
return the value (state) of the cell at position pos+inc.
The new position pos+inc will automatically wrap mod the size of the cells
array so cell access will never be out of bounds.
cells : list
An array of cells holding the cellular automata's current states.
pos : tuple
The (*row*, *col*) index of the current cell in the cells array.
Your rule function will receive this position in its pos argument.
To access a neighbor cell, pass the pos value to getstate() along
with a positional increment *inc*.
inc : int | tuple
A positive or negative offset to add to pos to calculate the position of the
neighbor cell. This must be a tuple (*row*, *col*) for 2D automata. For 1D
cases you can specify a positive or negative integer, or a tuple (0, *col*).
The value of the neighbor cell at pos+inc.
if not isinstance(inc, tuple):
inc = (0, inc)
row = (pos[0] + inc[0]) % len(cells)
col = (pos[1] + inc[1]) % len(cells[0])
#print("CELLS:", cells)
return cells[row][col]
if __name__ == '__main__':
class Choose (items, weights=[], period=None)
Yields its items by weighted random selection. By default all items have an equal probability of being returned.
- The list of items to generate. Each item in the list can be an item or a list: [item weight] where the first value is the item to return and weight is the probability of the item being selected relative to the other items in the list. If no weight is provided for an item it receives a default weight of 1.0. If no weights are provided then all the items are chosen with equal probability.
:list | None
- A list of relative probablity weights that determine the likelyhood of its corresponding pattern item being returned. If no weights are provided then items are chosen with equal probability. Relative weights do not have to sum to 1 because the pattern automatically converts them to probabilities. In addtion to numerical weifhts, dynamic weight expressions consisting of lambda expressions or functions of 0 arguments can also be specified. Dynamic weight expressions are reevaluated each time the pattern begins a new period to allow the pattern choices to evolve over time.
:None | int | subpattern
- The period determines how many elements are read before an EOP (end-of-period) flag is returned. By default the the period will be equal to the number of items in the list.
In this example the value 3 likely appears half the time.
>>> Choose([1,2,3], [1,1,2]).next(10) [3, 2, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3]
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class Choose(Pattern): """ Yields its items by weighted random selection. By default all items have an equal probability of being returned. Parameters ---------- items : list The list of items to generate. Each item in the list can be an item or a list: [item weight] where the first value is the item to return and weight is the probability of the item being selected relative to the other items in the list. If no weight is provided for an item it receives a default weight of 1.0. If no weights are provided then all the items are chosen with equal probability. weights : list | None A list of relative probablity weights that determine the likelyhood of its corresponding pattern item being returned. If no weights are provided then items are chosen with equal probability. Relative weights do not have to sum to 1 because the pattern automatically converts them to probabilities. In addtion to numerical weifhts, dynamic weight *expressions* consisting of lambda expressions or functions of 0 arguments can also be specified. Dynamic weight expressions are reevaluated each time the pattern begins a new period to allow the pattern choices to evolve over time. period : None | int | subpattern The period determines how many elements are read before an EOP (end-of-period) flag is returned. By default the the period will be equal to the number of items in the list. Examples -------- In this example the value 3 likely appears half the time. ```python >>> Choose([1,2,3], [1,1,2]).next(10) [3, 2, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3] ``` """ def __init__(self, items, weights=[], period=None): super().__init__(items, 1, period) self.weights = weights.copy() if not self.weights: # equal probablity for each item. weights will hold monotonically # increasing, equally proportioned, exclusive upper bounds upto # and including 1.0. example: end=5 => [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0] #self.weights = [(i+1)/self.ilen for i in range(self.ilen)] self.weights = [1 for _ in range(self.ilen)] elif not isinstance(self.weights, list): raise TypeError(f'Weights {self.weights} is not a list.') elif self.ilen < len(self.weights): raise IndexError('Too many weights provided.') elif self.ilen > len(self.weights): raise IndexError('Too few weights provided.') ####print('raw weights:', self.weights) # evalindexes will hold the index(es) of weight # expressions that have to be dynamically evaluated. self.evalindexes = [] for i,w in enumerate(weights): if isinstance(w, (int, float)): pass elif callable(w): self.evalindexes.append(i) else: raise IndexError(f"Weight {w} is not an int, float or thunk.") self._calcprobabilities() self._chooseactiveitem() def _calcprobabilities(self): ''' Calculates a probability map from the user specified list of probability weights, any of which may be dynamic. Example: user weights: [1, 2, 3, 4] normalize to 1.0: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4] probability map: [0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0] the probability map splits the range [0-1) into proportional distribution indexes: indexes: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 segments: 0->.1=.1 | .1->.3=.2 | .3->.6=.3 | .6->1.0=.4 Therefore, a uniform random number [0-1) will land in index 3 cell four times more often than in the index 0 cell, so the pattern's item at index 3 will be returned four times as often as the item at index 0. ''' total = 0 # copy user's weights to probabilities. self.probabilities = self.weights.copy() # calc total weight, for thunks eval them # to get their current weight. for i,w in enumerate(self.probabilities): if i in self.evalindexes: w = w() # evalute the thunk self.probabilities[i] = w total += w ####print("probabilities 1:", self.probabilities) # total weight is known and probablities list contains # only numeric weight values. rescale each weight so it # is now a fractional proportion of the total. for i,w in enumerate(self.probabilities): self.probabilities[i] = w/total ####print("probabilities 2:", self.probabilities) # convert values to monotonically increasing points from # 0 upto 1. the distance between points will be proportional # to their weight. for i in range(1, self.ilen): self.probabilities[i] += self.probabilities[i-1] ####print("probabilities 3:", self.probabilities) def _chooseactiveitem(self): """ pick the next item by generating a random value beween zero and one and then finding the first index in self.probabilities whose value is greater than the random value. the item at the corresponding index in self.items is the next item to return. """ val = random.random() for i in range(self.ilen): if val < self.probabilities[i]: self.activeitem = self.items[i] break def _hasdynamicweights(self): '''Returns true if pattern contains one or more dynamic weights.''' return True if self.evalindexes else False def __next__(self): item = Pattern._read(self.activeitem, tup=True) if item[1] == 'EOP': # at end of period, choose the next item self._chooseactiveitem() if self.p == self.plen - 1: self.p = 0 self.plen = Pattern._read(self.period) # get next period length # if dynamic weight expressions recalculate probabiliies if self._hasdynamicweights(): ####print("recalculating weights") self._calcprobabilities() else: self.p += 1 item[1] = None return item
- Pattern
Inherited members
class Cycle (items, period=None)
Returns a pattern that yields its items in a continuous cycle.
- The list of values to generate.
:None | int | subpattern
- The period determines how many elements are read before an EOP (end-of-period) flag is returned. The default value is None, which allows the pattern to use its default length, usually equal to the number of items in its data.
>>> Cycle([1,2,3]).next(5) [1, 2, 3, 1, 2]
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class Cycle(Pattern): """ Returns a pattern that yields its items in a continuous cycle. Parameters ---------- items : list The list of values to generate. period : None | int | subpattern The period determines how many elements are read before an EOP (end-of-period) flag is returned. The default value is None, which allows the pattern to use its default length, usually equal to the number of items in its data. Examples -------- ```python >>> Cycle([1,2,3]).next(5) [1, 2, 3, 1, 2] ``` """ def __init__(self, items, period=None): super().__init__(items, 1, period) def __next__(self): item = Pattern._read(self.items[self.i], tup=True) #print(f"after read: item is {item}") if item[1] == 'EOP': # (sub)item is at the end of its period # so increment this pattern's index to the next item if self.i == self.ilen - 1: self.i = 0 else: self.i += 1 # if p is now the last index in the current period # signal eop and read the next period length #print("self.p:", self.p, "self.plen:", self.plen) if self.p == self.plen - 1: self.p = 0 self.plen = Pattern._read(self.period) # get next period length #print(f"after xxx read: plen is {self.plen}") else: self.p += 1 item[1] = None return item
- Pattern
Inherited members
class Graph (items, period=None)
The Graph pattern is a network of nodes, each node is a 2- or 3-tuple containing a item, link, and optional id. The item is value to return from the node, and can be a pyton object, a subpattern, or thunk. The node's link is the identifier for the next node to visit, and id is this node's unique id in the graph. If no id is given it will be set to the 1-based position of the node in the node list.
A cycle of A B C as a graph (the first node is always followed by node 2, the second node by node 3, and node 3 returns to node 1:
Graph( [('a', 2), ('b', 3), ('c', Cycle([1, 2])])
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class Graph (Pattern): """ The Graph pattern is a network of nodes, each node is a 2- or 3-tuple containing a *item*, *link*, and optional *id*. The *item* is value to return from the node, and can be a pyton object, a subpattern, or thunk. The node's *link* is the identifier for the next node to visit, and *id* is this node's unique id in the graph. If no id is given it will be set to the 1-based position of the node in the node list. Example ------- A cycle of A B C as a graph (the first node is always followed by node 2, the second node by node 3, and node 3 returns to node 1: ```python Graph( [('a', 2), ('b', 3), ('c', Cycle([1, 2])]) ``` """ def __init__(self, items, period=None): super().__init__(items.copy(), 1, period) for i,n in enumerate(self.items): if isinstance(n, tuple): # if node id not provided set it to node's one-based index i+1. if len(n) == 2: self.items[i] = n + (i+1,) elif len(n) < 2: raise TypeError(f'Graph node {n} missing link value.') elif len(n) > 3: raise TypeError(f'Too many elements in graph node {n}.') else: raise TypeError(f'Graph node {n} is not a tuple.') # set first node to be active node self.activenode = self.items[0] #print(f'nodes: {self.items}') #print(f'active node: {self.activenode}') def __next__(self): item = Pattern._read(self.activenode[0], True) #print(f"after read: item is {item}") if item[1] == 'EOP': # current node at end of period, choose the next node. self._nextactivenode() # check if this pattern is at EOP if self.p == self.plen - 1: self.p = 0 self.plen = Pattern._read(self.period) # get next period length else: self.p += 1 item[1] = None return item def _nextactivenode(self): """ Evaluate this node's link (identifier), find that node in the graph and make it the active node. """ nextid = Pattern._read(self.activenode[1], False) #print(f"nextid: {nextid}") for i in range(self.ilen): if self.items[i][2] == nextid: self.activenode = self.items[i] #print(f"new active node: {self.activenode}") return raise ValueError(f"No node found for node id {nextid}.")
- Pattern
Inherited members
class Markov (items, period=None, preset=None)
Yields items in a Markov chain. The chain is expressed as a dictionary of rules, each rule associates a tuple of one or more past outcomes with a list of weighted potential outcomes:
{(past,...): [[outcome, weight], [outcome, weight], ...], ...}
There are two shortcuts available when specifying rules:
- If the rules use only one past value (markov order 1) then you can provide values as keys instead of tuples.
- If an outcome has a probability weight of 1 then you can specify just the value instead of a two element list containing the value and 1.
- A dictionary of rules that generate the Markov chain. Each rule is a
key and value pair, where the key is a tuple of 1 or more past outcomes
and the value is a list of pairs [[outcome, weight1], [outcome2, weight2],…]
representing each possible next outcome together with its weight (probability).
The length of the tuples determines the markov order of the generator
and all rules must ha be the same and it .
columns in the rule contain the potential next outcomes with their probability weights. Each column can contain just an outcome, in which case it will be assigned a probability weight of 1, or it can be expressed as a list [next, weight]. stop
:int | None
- The number of times to read from the pattern before stopping. If None then the generator is unbounded. The default is None.
- If specified it is the initial 'past' the markov chain uses to generate the first outcome.
The next item in the pattern.
A 1st order markov process with three rules:
- If the last outcome was 'a' then the next outcome is either 'b' or 'c', with 'c' three times as likely as 'b'.
- If the last outcome was 'b' then the next outcome is 'a'.
- If the last outcome was 'c' then the next outcome is either 'a', 'c' or 'b', with 'c' being the least likely and 'a' being the most likely outcome.
>>> m = Markov({'a': ['b', ['c', 3]], 'b': ['a'], 'c': [['a', 5], 'c', ['b', 2.5]]}) >>> "".join( ) cabacbabaccbabaccaca
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class Markov(Pattern): """ Yields items in a Markov chain. The chain is expressed as a dictionary of rules, each rule associates a tuple of one or more past outcomes with a list of weighted potential outcomes: `{(past,...): [[outcome, weight], [outcome, weight], ...], ...}` There are two shortcuts available when specifying rules: * If the rules use only one past value (markov order 1) then you can provide values as keys instead of tuples. * If an outcome has a probability weight of 1 then you can specify just the value instead of a two element list containing the value and 1. Parameters ---------- rules : list A dictionary of rules that generate the Markov chain. Each rule is a key and value pair, where the key is a tuple of 1 or more past outcomes and the value is a list of pairs [[outcome, weight1], [outcome2, weight2],...] representing each possible next outcome together with its weight (probability). The length of the tuples determines the markov order of the generator and all rules must ha be the same and it . The <next> columns in the rule contain the potential next outcomes with their probability weights. Each column can contain just an outcome, in which case it will be assigned a probability weight of 1, or it can be expressed as a list [next, weight]. stop : int | None The number of times to read from the pattern before stopping. If None then the generator is unbounded. The default is None. preset : past If specified it is the initial 'past' the markov chain uses to generate the first outcome. Returns ------- The next item in the pattern. Examples -------- A 1st order markov process with three rules: 1. If the last outcome was 'a' then the next outcome is either 'b' or 'c', with 'c' three times as likely as 'b'. 2. If the last outcome was 'b' then the next outcome is 'a'. 3. If the last outcome was 'c' then the next outcome is either 'a', 'c' or 'b', with 'c' being the least likely and 'a' being the most likely outcome. ```python >>> m = Markov({'a': ['b', ['c', 3]], 'b': ['a'], 'c': [['a', 5], 'c', ['b', 2.5]]}) >>> "".join( ) cabacbabaccbabaccaca ``` """ def __init__(self, items, period=None, preset=None): # init accepts a list, not a dict to initialize the pattern super().__init__(list(items.keys()), 1, period) # after init call set items to the actual dictionary self.items = items if preset and not isinstance(preset, tuple): preset = (preset,) data = {} order = 0 # the order of the markov process is the number of past events for key, value in self.items.items(): # key holds previous outputs to match if not isinstance(key, tuple): key = (key,) #print("converted key to tuple ->", key) elif not len(key) > 0: raise TypeError('Rule key {key} is empty.') # value holds a list [[n1, w1], [n2, w2],...] if not isinstance(value, list): raise TypeError('Dictionary value {value} is not a list.') if not order: order = len(key) #print("initialized order to ", order) elif order != len(key): raise IndexError(f"Rule matches of differnt lengths: {order} and {len(key)}.") weight = 0 # calculated total weight of all the outcomes in the rule outcomes = [] for col in value: # col is either an outcome or a list: [outcome, weight] # normalize to a list and sum their weights if isinstance(col, list): if len(col) == 2: if isinstance(col[1], (int, float)): weight += col[1] outcomes.append(list(col)) # copy the user's list else: raise ValueError(f"Outcome weight {col} is not an int or float.") else: raise IndexError("Outcome {col} is not a two element list [outcome, weight].") else: weight += 1 outcomes.append([col, 1]) # convert weights into probabilities 0.0 < p... < 1.0 # convert first outcome's weight into a probability. outcomes[0][1] = outcomes[0][1] / weight # now convert the weights above it into probabilities and # add to the previous probability. the result will be the # total probabilty 0-1 sectioned proportionally according # to the weights of the outputs for i in range(1, len(outcomes)): outcomes[i][1] = outcomes[i-1][1] + (outcomes[i][1]/weight) # assign outcomes to the key data[key] = outcomes # use the user's preset or the first past in the dictionary. if not preset: preset = next(iter(data)) # use first rule's past else: if order == len(preset): preset = list(preset) # copy users preset else: raise IndexError(f'Preset value {preset} is not a list of {order} \ {"elements" if order > 1 else "element"}.') # initialize the history to the preset. older values are to the left self.items = data self.history = preset def __next__(self): #item = Pattern._read(self.items[self.i], tup=True) # find the rule that matches current history outcomes = self.items.get(self.history) if not outcomes: raise ValueError(f'No rule match for {self.history}.') # find the next outcome randnum = random.random() outcome = None # find the outcome for the random number for out in outcomes: if randnum < out[1]: outcome = out[0] # next outcome break # outcome is a tuple to left-shift history with current # choice appended, and as a return value to outcome = (outcome,) self.history = self.history[1:] + outcome return outcome @staticmethod def analyze(data, order=1): """ A factory method that returns a new Markov pattern whose characteristics reflect the input data's structure at the given markov order. Parameters ---------- data : list The list of data to analyze. order : int The markov order for the analysis. Returns ------- A Markov pattern that generates results based on the data and markov order. Examples -------- ```python >>> m = Markov.analyze([2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2], 1) >>> m.rules {(2,): [[2, 0.6666666666666666], [1, 1.0]], (1,): [[3, 0.5], [2, 1.0]], (3,): [[4, 1.0]], (4,): [[4, 0.5], [1, 1.0]]} >>> [1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4, 1, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4] ``` """ # each window is a list of one or more past values followed # by the subsequent value: (past+, next) windows = [] end = len(data) for i in range(end): windows.append(tuple(data[(i+j) % end] for j in range(order+1)) ) histogram = {} for w in windows: if histogram.get(w): histogram[w] += 1 else: histogram[w] = 1 #print(histogram) rules = {} for item in histogram.items(): # tuple of one or more past outcomes past_outcome = item[0][:-1] future_outcome = item[0][-1] future_weight = histogram[item[0]] if rules.get(past_outcome): rules[past_outcome].append([future_outcome, future_weight]) else: rules[past_outcome] = [[future_outcome, future_weight]] return Markov(rules)
- Pattern
Static methods
def analyze(data, order=1)
A factory method that returns a new Markov pattern whose characteristics reflect the input data's structure at the given markov order.
- The list of data to analyze.
- The markov order for the analysis.
A Markov pattern that generates results based on the data and markov order.
>>> m = Markov.analyze([2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2], 1) >>> m.rules {(2,): [[2, 0.6666666666666666], [1, 1.0]], (1,): [[3, 0.5], [2, 1.0]], (3,): [[4, 1.0]], (4,): [[4, 0.5], [1, 1.0]]} >>> [1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4, 1, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4]
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@staticmethod def analyze(data, order=1): """ A factory method that returns a new Markov pattern whose characteristics reflect the input data's structure at the given markov order. Parameters ---------- data : list The list of data to analyze. order : int The markov order for the analysis. Returns ------- A Markov pattern that generates results based on the data and markov order. Examples -------- ```python >>> m = Markov.analyze([2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2], 1) >>> m.rules {(2,): [[2, 0.6666666666666666], [1, 1.0]], (1,): [[3, 0.5], [2, 1.0]], (3,): [[4, 1.0]], (4,): [[4, 0.5], [1, 1.0]]} >>> [1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4, 1, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4] ``` """ # each window is a list of one or more past values followed # by the subsequent value: (past+, next) windows = [] end = len(data) for i in range(end): windows.append(tuple(data[(i+j) % end] for j in range(order+1)) ) histogram = {} for w in windows: if histogram.get(w): histogram[w] += 1 else: histogram[w] = 1 #print(histogram) rules = {} for item in histogram.items(): # tuple of one or more past outcomes past_outcome = item[0][:-1] future_outcome = item[0][-1] future_weight = histogram[item[0]] if rules.get(past_outcome): rules[past_outcome].append([future_outcome, future_weight]) else: rules[past_outcome] = [[future_outcome, future_weight]] return Markov(rules)
Inherited members
class Palindrome (items, period=None, wrap='++')
Returns a generator that yields its items in a palindrome.
- The list of values to generate.
:'++' | '+-' | '-+' | '--'
Determines how first and last elements are treated when the pattern reverses. If the items are [1, 2, 3] then wrap will produce:
- '++' Both first and last items are repeated: 1,2,3,3,2,1,1,2,3 …
- '+-' Only the first item is repeated: 1,2,3,2,1,1,2,3 …
- '-+' Only the last item is repeated: 1,2,3,3,2,1,2,3 …
- '–' Neither is repeated: 1,2,3,2,1,2,3 …
:None | int | subpattern
- The period determines how many elements are read before an EOP (end-of-period) flag is returned. By default the period length will be equal to the number of items in the list.
>>> palindrome([1,2,3]).next(10) [1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3] >>> Palindrome([1,2,3], wrap='+-').next(10) [1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2] print(Palindrome([1,2,3], wrap='-+').next(10) [1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1] >>> Palindrome([1,2,3], wrap='--').next(10) [1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2]
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class Palindrome(Pattern): """ Returns a generator that yields its items in a palindrome. Parameters ---------- items : list The list of values to generate. wrap : '++' | '+-' | '-+' | '--' Determines how first and last elements are treated when the pattern reverses. If the items are [1, 2, 3] then wrap will produce: * '++' Both first and last items are repeated: 1,2,3,3,2,1,1,2,3 ... * '+-' Only the first item is repeated: 1,2,3,2,1,1,2,3 ... * '-+' Only the last item is repeated: 1,2,3,3,2,1,2,3 ... * '--' Neither is repeated: 1,2,3,2,1,2,3 ... period : None | int | subpattern The period determines how many elements are read before an EOP (end-of-period) flag is returned. By default the period length will be equal to the number of items in the list. Examples -------- ```python >>> palindrome([1,2,3]).next(10) [1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3] >>> Palindrome([1,2,3], wrap='+-').next(10) [1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2] print(Palindrome([1,2,3], wrap='-+').next(10) [1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1] >>> Palindrome([1,2,3], wrap='--').next(10) [1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2] ``` """ def __init__(self, items, period=None, wrap='++'): match wrap: case '++': items = items + items[::-1] # repeat first and last case '+-': items = items + items[-2::-1] # repeat first not last case '-+': items = items + items[-1:0:-1] # repeat last not first case '--': items = items + items[-2:0:-1] # dont repeat first or last case _: raise ValueError(f"Wrap value {wrap} is not '++', '+-', '-+', or '--'.") super().__init__(items, 3, period) def __next__(self): item = Pattern._read(self.items[self.i], tup=True) if item[1] == 'EOP': if self.i == self.ilen - 1: self.i = 0 else: self.i += 1 if self.p == self.plen - 1: self.p = 0 self.plen = Pattern._read(self.period) # get next period length else: self.p += 1 item[1] = None return item
- Pattern
Inherited members
class Pattern (items, mini, period=None)
The base class for all patterns provides a specialized
function.Expand source code
class Pattern(Iterator): '''The base class for all patterns provides a specialized `next()` function.''' def __init__(self, items, mini, period=None): if not isinstance(items, list) or len(items) < mini: raise TypeError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} input {items} is not a list of {mini} or more elements.") self.items = items if period == None: period = len(items) self.period = period #print("***period is:", period) # length of items list self.ilen = len(self.items) # current index into items list self.i = 0 # length of current period self.plen = self._read(self.period) if isinstance(self.period, Iterator) else self.period #print("***plen is:", self.plen) # period counter self.p = 0 # 'EOP' if the pattern just returned the last value of the current period #self.eop = None def __iter__(self): return self def _pname(self): return self.__class__.__name__ @staticmethod def _read(pat, tup=False): """ Internal function that checks if the next item is a pattern, expression, or basic data. Do not call this method directly, use Pattern's next() function to return the next element(s) in a pattern. """ #print(f"read input: ({pat},tup={tup})") if isinstance(pat, Pattern): x = next(pat) return x if tup else x[0] else: # if pat is a zero-arg lambda or function, call it to produce the return value if callable(pat): pat = pat() return [pat, "EOP"] if tup else pat def next(self, more=False): """ A pattern savvy version of Python's builtin `next()` function. Use this method in place of Python's next() to access pattern elements in flexible ways. Parameters ---------- more : False | True | int If more is False (the default) then Pattern's next() function will return the next item in the pattern. If more is True then the (remaining) items in the current period are returned as a list. Otherwises, if more is an integer greater than 0 then that many items will be returned as a list. Returns ------- One or more items in the pattern. Examples -------- ```python >>> c = Cycle([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> 1 >>> [2, 3, 4] >>> [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2] ``` It is possible to use Python's builtin `next()` function to read a pattern, in this case you will receive a two element list holding the item from the pattern and an 'end of period' marker (EOP). In contrast, Pattern's `next()` handles end of periods invisibly and provides more flexibility for accessing the data. ```python >>> c = Cycle([1, 2, 3, 4]) # python's next(): >>> [next(c) for _ in range(4)] [[1, None], [2, None], [3, None], [4, 'EOP']] # pattern's next(): >>> [1, 2, 3, 4] ``` """ if more is False: return self.__next__()[0] items = [] if more is True: # collect items until end of period while True: i = self.__next__() items.append(i[0]) if i[1] == 'EOP': return items for i in range(0, more): items.append(self.__next__()[0]) return items
def next(self, more=False)
A pattern savvy version of Python's builtin
function. Use this method in place of Python's next() to access pattern elements in flexible ways.Parameters
:False | True | int
- If more is False (the default) then Pattern's next() function will return the next item in the pattern. If more is True then the (remaining) items in the current period are returned as a list. Otherwises, if more is an integer greater than 0 then that many items will be returned as a list.
One or more items in the pattern.
>>> c = Cycle([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> 1 >>> [2, 3, 4] >>> [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2]
It is possible to use Python's builtin
function to read a pattern, in this case you will receive a two element list holding the item from the pattern and an 'end of period' marker (EOP). In contrast, Pattern'snext()
handles end of periods invisibly and provides more flexibility for accessing the data.>>> c = Cycle([1, 2, 3, 4]) # python's next(): >>> [next(c) for _ in range(4)] [[1, None], [2, None], [3, None], [4, 'EOP']] # pattern's next(): >>> [1, 2, 3, 4]
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def next(self, more=False): """ A pattern savvy version of Python's builtin `next()` function. Use this method in place of Python's next() to access pattern elements in flexible ways. Parameters ---------- more : False | True | int If more is False (the default) then Pattern's next() function will return the next item in the pattern. If more is True then the (remaining) items in the current period are returned as a list. Otherwises, if more is an integer greater than 0 then that many items will be returned as a list. Returns ------- One or more items in the pattern. Examples -------- ```python >>> c = Cycle([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> 1 >>> [2, 3, 4] >>> [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2] ``` It is possible to use Python's builtin `next()` function to read a pattern, in this case you will receive a two element list holding the item from the pattern and an 'end of period' marker (EOP). In contrast, Pattern's `next()` handles end of periods invisibly and provides more flexibility for accessing the data. ```python >>> c = Cycle([1, 2, 3, 4]) # python's next(): >>> [next(c) for _ in range(4)] [[1, None], [2, None], [3, None], [4, 'EOP']] # pattern's next(): >>> [1, 2, 3, 4] ``` """ if more is False: return self.__next__()[0] items = [] if more is True: # collect items until end of period while True: i = self.__next__() items.append(i[0]) if i[1] == 'EOP': return items for i in range(0, more): items.append(self.__next__()[0]) return items
class Range (start, stop=None, step=None, period=None)
Range is similar in syntax to Python's range() generator, but its start, stop and step parameters will accept integers, patterns, or thunks (lambda expressions or functions of zero arguments). Unlike Python's range() the Range pattern does not terminate: once the step is out-of-bounds the pattern will reset itself to its next start, stop and step values as determined by the range values passed in. Another difference is that patterns always return something, so incompatible start, stop and step specifications will raise an error rather than return nothing.
:int | pattern | thunk
- The initial value to generate.
:int | pattern | thunk
- The limit on the range. This must be strictly larger or smaller than the start.
:int | pattern | thunk
- A non-zero increment amount, defaults to 1.
:None | int | subpattern
- The period determines how many elements are read before an EOP (end-of-period) flag is returned. By default the period length will be the distance between start and stop.
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class Range(Pattern): """ Range is similar in syntax to Python's range() generator, but its *start*, *stop* and *step* parameters will accept integers, patterns, or thunks (lambda expressions or functions of zero arguments). Unlike Python's range() the Range pattern does not terminate: once the step is out-of-bounds the pattern will reset itself to its next start, stop and step values as determined by the range values passed in. Another difference is that patterns always return something, so incompatible start, stop and step specifications will raise an error rather than return nothing. Parameters ---------- start : int | pattern | thunk The initial value to generate. stop : int | pattern | thunk The limit on the range. This must be strictly larger or smaller than the start. step : int | pattern | thunk A non-zero increment amount, defaults to 1. period : None | int | subpattern The period determines how many elements are read before an EOP (end-of-period) flag is returned. By default the period length will be the distance between start and stop. """ def __init__(self, start, stop=None, step=None, period=None): if stop is None: stop = start start = 0 if step is None: step = 1 # class init only handles the period value. super().__init__([], 0, period) # the items field will hold the user's start stop and step values. self.items = [start, stop, step] # if no period specified then zero out the counters. If a period was # specified then uptate if not period: self.period, self.p, self.plen = None, None, None #print("self.period=", self.period, "self.plen=", self.plen, "self.p=", self.p) self._setrange() def __next__(self): # self.range is [start, stop, step, span] # start is incremented by step and span is decremented by 1. # get current value next = [self.range[0], None] # increment start by step self.range[0] += self.range[2] # decrement range count by 1 self.range[3] -= 1 # if current range is complete call _setrange() to make a new range if self.range[3] == 0: self._setrange() # if no explict period then signal end of period. if not self.period: next[1] = 'EOP' # if user set an explict period return EOP if at the end. if self.period: if self.p == self.plen - 1: self.p = 0 self.plen = Pattern._read(self.period) # get next period length next[1] = 'EOP' else: self.p += 1 # return current value return next def _setrange(self): names = ["start", "stop", "step"] # assign self.range the numeric values [start, stop, step, span] # start is the value that ranges, stop is the boundary of # the range, step is the increment, and span is the distance # between start and stop. self.range = [] # self.items could hold constants, patterns or thunks. for i,v in enumerate(self.items): v = Pattern._read(v) # allow only ints. if not isinstance(v, int): raise TypeError(f"{names[i]} value {v} is not an integer.") self.range.append(v) start, stop, step = self.range # step cannot be zero, if step is positive then start must be # strictly less than stop, if step is negative then start must # be strictly larger than stop. if not ((start < stop and step > 0) or (start > stop and step < 0)): raise ValueError(f"Step {step} not in range for start={start} stop={stop}.") # set the span of the pattern to the initial distance between # start and stop as a positive integer. so if its a descending # range swap start and stop and insure step is positive. if step < 0: start, stop = stop, start step = abs(step) self.range.append(ceil((stop - start) / step)) #print(f"Range: start={start}, stop={stop}, step={step} period={self.period}")
- Pattern
Inherited members
class Rotation (items, swaps, period=None)
Permutes its items using one or more swapping rules.
- The list of items to generate
:list | Pattern
- A list of one or more swapping rules or a pattern that
produces swapping rules. A swapping rule is a list of (up to) four
integers that control the iterative process applied to
all the items in order to produce the next generation of items:
[start, step, width=1, end=len]
Start is the location (zero based index) in the pattern's data to begin swapping from, step is the rightward increment to move to the next swap start, width is the distance between the elements swapped. End is the position in the item list to stop the swapping at, and defaults to the length of the item list. period
:None | int | subpattern
- The period determines how many elements are read before an EOP (end-of-period) flag is returned. By default the shuffle period will be equal to the number of items in the list.
>>> r = Rotation(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], swaps=[0, 2, 1, 3]) >>> ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] >>> ['b', 'a', 'c', 'd'] >>> ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
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class Rotation(Pattern): """ Permutes its items using one or more swapping rules. Parameters ---------- items : list The list of items to generate swaps : list | Pattern A list of one or more swapping rules or a pattern that produces swapping rules. A swapping rule is a list of (up to) four integers that control the iterative process applied to all the items in order to produce the next generation of items: ```[start, step, width=1, end=len]``` Start is the location (zero based index) in the pattern's data to begin swapping from, step is the rightward increment to move to the next swap start, width is the distance between the elements swapped. End is the position in the item list to stop the swapping at, and defaults to the length of the item list. period : None | int | subpattern The period determines how many elements are read before an EOP (end-of-period) flag is returned. By default the shuffle period will be equal to the number of items in the list. Examples -------- ```python >>> r = Rotation(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], swaps=[0, 2, 1, 3]) >>> ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] >>> ['b', 'a', 'c', 'd'] >>> ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] ``` """ def __init__(self, items, swaps, period=None): super().__init__(items.copy(), 1, period) isseq = lambda a: isinstance(a, (list, tuple)) isint = lambda a: isinstance(a, int) if isseq(swaps): # swaprules is a list or tuple if all(map(lambda x: isseq(x), swaps)): # a list of rules self.source = Cycle(swaps) elif all(map(lambda x: isint(x), swaps)): # the list is one rule self.source = Cycle([swaps]) if not isinstance(self.source, Pattern): raise ValueError(f"Swap rules {swaps} is not a list or Pattern.") self.size = len(items) def __next__(self): item = Pattern._read(self.items[self.i], tup=True) #print(f"after read: item is {item}") if item[1] == 'EOP': # (sub)item is at the end of its period # so increment this pattern's index to the next item if self.i == self.ilen - 1: self.i = 0 # we've yielded all items in the current generation # so do the rotations to create the next generation. rule = Pattern._read(self.source, tup=False) #next(self.source) rlen = len(rule) start = rule[0] step = rule[1] width = rule[2] if rlen > 2 else 1 end = rule[3] if rlen > 3 else self.ilen #print("rule:", rule, "rlen:", rlen, "start:", start, "step:", step, "width:", width, "end:", end) # iterate left to right swapping items according to rule for a,b in zip(range(start, end, step), range(start+width, end, step)): self.items[a], self.items[b] = self.items[b], self.items[a] else: self.i += 1 # if p is now the last index in the current period # signal eop and read the next period length #print("self.p:", self.p, "self.plen:", self.plen) if self.p == self.plen - 1: self.p = 0 self.plen = Pattern._read(self.period) # get next period length #print(f"after xxx read: plen is {self.plen}") else: self.p += 1 item[1] = None return item def all(self, grouped=False, wrapped=False): """ Return a list of all rotations and stops when the first rotation occurs again. Warning: rules that do not produce the original generation will trigger an infinite loop! Parameters ---------- grouped : bool If grouped is True then each generation is collected as a sublist, otherwise the rotated items are returned in one flat list. wrapped : bool If wrapped is True then the first generation will also be appended to the end of list returned. """ size = self.ilen data = [] conc = data.append if grouped else data.extend init = [self.__next__()[0] for _ in range(size)] conc(init) while (True): more = [self.__next__()[0] for _ in range(size)] if init == more: break conc(more) if wrapped: conc(init) return data
- Pattern
def all(self, grouped=False, wrapped=False)
Return a list of all rotations and stops when the first rotation occurs again. Warning: rules that do not produce the original generation will trigger an infinite loop!
- If grouped is True then each generation is collected as a sublist, otherwise the rotated items are returned in one flat list.
- If wrapped is True then the first generation will also be appended to the end of list returned.
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def all(self, grouped=False, wrapped=False): """ Return a list of all rotations and stops when the first rotation occurs again. Warning: rules that do not produce the original generation will trigger an infinite loop! Parameters ---------- grouped : bool If grouped is True then each generation is collected as a sublist, otherwise the rotated items are returned in one flat list. wrapped : bool If wrapped is True then the first generation will also be appended to the end of list returned. """ size = self.ilen data = [] conc = data.append if grouped else data.extend init = [self.__next__()[0] for _ in range(size)] conc(init) while (True): more = [self.__next__()[0] for _ in range(size)] if init == more: break conc(more) if wrapped: conc(init) return data
Inherited members
class Shuffle (items, period=None, norep=False)
Returns a pattern that yields its items by random permutation.
- The list of items to generate. Each item in the list can be a python object or a sub-pattern.
:None | int | subpattern
- The period determines how many elements are read before an EOP (end-of-period) flag is returned. The defaule value is none, which means the shuffle'a period length will be equal to the number of items in the pattern.
- If true then after shuffles the next item cannot repeat the last item produced.
The first example permits direct repetition between shuffles, the second forbids it.
>>> Shuffle(["a","b","c"]).next(12) ['c', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'b', 'a'] >>> Shuffle(["a","b","c"], norep=True).next(12) ['a', 'c', 'b', 'c', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b']
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class Shuffle(Pattern): """ Returns a pattern that yields its items by random permutation. Parameters ---------- items : list The list of items to generate. Each item in the list can be a python object or a sub-pattern. period : None | int | subpattern The period determines how many elements are read before an EOP (end-of-period) flag is returned. The defaule value is none, which means the shuffle'a period length will be equal to the number of items in the pattern. norep : bool If true then after shuffles the next item cannot repeat the last item produced. Examples -------- The first example permits direct repetition between shuffles, the second forbids it. ```python >>> Shuffle(["a","b","c"]).next(12) ['c', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'b', 'a'] >>> Shuffle(["a","b","c"], norep=True).next(12) ['a', 'c', 'b', 'c', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b'] ``` """ def __init__(self, items, period=None, norep=False): super().__init__(items.copy(), 1, period) # initialize for first period random.shuffle(self.items) self.norep = norep def __next__(self): item = Pattern._read(self.items[self.i], tup=True) if item[1] == 'EOP': # at end of items, reshuffle if self.i == self.ilen - 1: self.i = 0 last = self.items[-1] random.shuffle(self.items) # continue to shuffle if user specified no repeat # and the next item is the same as the last while (self.norep and self.items[0] == last and self.ilen > 1): random.shuffle(self.items) else: self.i += 1 if self.p == self.plen - 1: self.p = 0 self.plen = Pattern._read(self.period) # get next period length else: self.p += 1 item[1] = None return item
- Pattern
Inherited members
class States (cells, transitions)
Returns values from a state machine (cellular automata) and applies a transition function to update states to their next value.
- A list containing the initial states of the cellular automata. A flat list of states produces a one dimensional automata and a row major list of lists will create a two dimensional automata.
- The transitions function implements the automata's state
transitions. The function is automatically called and passed
two arguments, the pattern's state array and the index of the
current cell in the states.
Your transition function should
to access one or more neighbor states of the current cell in order to calculate its next state.
A transition function recives the pattern's array of states and the index to the current state. This function calls
to accesses the cells to the left and right of the current cell and returns their sum mod 4, which then becomes the next value of the cell at the current state index.def add_neighbors(cells, index): left = States.getstate(cells, index, -1) right = States.getstate(cells, index, 1) return (left + right) % 4 >>> cells = States([0,1,0,1,0], transitions=add_neighbors) >>> for _ in range(5): print( [0, 1, 0, 1, 0] [1, 0, 2, 0, 1] [1, 3, 0, 3, 1] [0, 1, 2, 1, 0] [1, 2, 2, 2, 1]
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class States(Pattern): """ Returns values from a state machine (cellular automata) and applies a transition function to update states to their next value. Parameters ---------- states : list A list containing the initial states of the cellular automata. A flat list of states produces a one dimensional automata and a row major list of lists will create a two dimensional automata. transitions : function The transitions function implements the automata's state transitions. The function is automatically called and passed two arguments, the pattern's state array and the index of the current cell in the states. Your transition function should call `getstate()` to access one or more neighbor states of the current cell in order to calculate its next state. Examples -------- A transition function recives the pattern's array of states and the index to the current state. This function calls `getstate()` to accesses the cells to the left and right of the current cell and returns their sum mod 4, which then becomes the next value of the cell at the current state index. ```python def add_neighbors(cells, index): left = States.getstate(cells, index, -1) right = States.getstate(cells, index, 1) return (left + right) % 4 >>> cells = States([0,1,0,1,0], transitions=add_neighbors) >>> for _ in range(5): print( [0, 1, 0, 1, 0] [1, 0, 2, 0, 1] [1, 3, 0, 3, 1] [0, 1, 2, 1, 0] [1, 2, 2, 2, 1] ``` """ def __init__(self, cells, transitions): super().__init__(cells, 1) if not callable(transitions): raise TypeError(f"transitions {transitions} is not a function.") if isinstance(cells[0], list): # cells is a 2D automata (a list of lists) self.indexes = [(row, col) for row in range(len(cells)) for col in range(len(cells[0]))] self.period = len(self.indexes) # current is a 2D copy of cells with at least 1 row and col self.current = [list(r) for r in cells] # list(r) is copy # future same as values but set to 0's self.future = [[0 for _ in r] for r in cells] else: # cells is a 1D automata but see below. self.indexes = [(0, col) for col in range(len(cells))] self.period = len(self.indexes) # current is a 2D copy of cells with at least 1 row and col self.current = [list(cells)] # list(cells) is copy # future as values but set to 0's self.future = [[0 for _ in cells]] # init future to 0's. self.transitions = transitions # reverse the states so that when the loop starts and # flips with j == 0 the present states will be correct self.current, self.future = self.future, self.current #print('current:', self.current, 'future:', self.future, 'indexes:', self.indexes) def __next__(self): j = self.i % self.period if j == 0: #print("flipping present and future i=", self.i) self.current, self.future = self.future, self.current pos = self.indexes[j] val = self.current[pos[0]][pos[1]] nxt = self.transitions(self.current, pos) #print("transitions value:", val) self.future[pos[0]][pos[1]] = nxt self.i += 1 return (val,) @staticmethod def getstate(cells, pos, inc): """ Call getstate() inside your States's transitions function to return the value (state) of the cell at position pos+inc. The new position pos+inc will automatically wrap mod the size of the cells array so cell access will never be out of bounds. Parameters ---------- cells : list An array of cells holding the cellular automata's current states. pos : tuple The (*row*, *col*) index of the current cell in the cells array. Your rule function will receive this position in its pos argument. To access a neighbor cell, pass the pos value to getstate() along with a positional increment *inc*. inc : int | tuple A positive or negative offset to add to pos to calculate the position of the neighbor cell. This must be a tuple (*row*, *col*) for 2D automata. For 1D cases you can specify a positive or negative integer, or a tuple (0, *col*). Returns ------- The value of the neighbor cell at pos+inc. """ if not isinstance(inc, tuple): inc = (0, inc) row = (pos[0] + inc[0]) % len(cells) col = (pos[1] + inc[1]) % len(cells[0]) #print("CELLS:", cells) return cells[row][col]
- Pattern
Static methods
def getstate(cells, pos, inc)
Call getstate() inside your States's transitions function to return the value (state) of the cell at position pos+inc. The new position pos+inc will automatically wrap mod the size of the cells array so cell access will never be out of bounds.
- An array of cells holding the cellular automata's current states.
- The (row, col) index of the current cell in the cells array. Your rule function will receive this position in its pos argument. To access a neighbor cell, pass the pos value to getstate() along with a positional increment inc.
:int | tuple
- A positive or negative offset to add to pos to calculate the position of the neighbor cell. This must be a tuple (row, col) for 2D automata. For 1D cases you can specify a positive or negative integer, or a tuple (0, col).
The value of the neighbor cell at pos+inc.
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@staticmethod def getstate(cells, pos, inc): """ Call getstate() inside your States's transitions function to return the value (state) of the cell at position pos+inc. The new position pos+inc will automatically wrap mod the size of the cells array so cell access will never be out of bounds. Parameters ---------- cells : list An array of cells holding the cellular automata's current states. pos : tuple The (*row*, *col*) index of the current cell in the cells array. Your rule function will receive this position in its pos argument. To access a neighbor cell, pass the pos value to getstate() along with a positional increment *inc*. inc : int | tuple A positive or negative offset to add to pos to calculate the position of the neighbor cell. This must be a tuple (*row*, *col*) for 2D automata. For 1D cases you can specify a positive or negative integer, or a tuple (0, *col*). Returns ------- The value of the neighbor cell at pos+inc. """ if not isinstance(inc, tuple): inc = (0, inc) row = (pos[0] + inc[0]) % len(cells) col = (pos[1] + inc[1]) % len(cells[0]) #print("CELLS:", cells) return cells[row][col]
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