Module musx.mxml.notation
A module for loading and saving MusicXml scores.
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A module for loading and saving MusicXml scores.
# creating the MusicXml python file:
# (venv) $ -o --root-element "score_partwise" schema/musicxml.xsd
# Working with low-level lxml Element trees (
# $ python3
# >>> import musx.mxml.musicxml as musicxml
# >>> musicxml.parse("Scores/001-2s.xml")
# Working with high-level Notation objects:
# $ python3
# >>> import musx.mxml.notation as notation
# >>> score = notation.load("scores/HelloWorld.musicxml")
# >>> score.print()
# >>> from musx.note import Note; from fractions import Fraction; from musx.pitch import Pitch
# >>> n=Note(time=Fraction(0,1), duration=Fraction(1,4), pitch=Pitch("C4"))
# >>> n.add_child(Note(time=Fraction(0,1), duration=Fraction(1,4), pitch=Pitch("Fs5")))
# >>> n.add_child(Note(time=Fraction(0,1), duration=Fraction(1,4), pitch=Pitch("E1")))
import re, os
from lxml import etree
from enum import Enum, auto
from fractions import Fraction
from copy import copy
from . import musicxml
from .barline import Barline
from .clef import Clef
from .key import Key
from .measure import Measure
from .mode import Mode
from .meter import Meter
from .part import Part
from ..pitch import Pitch
from ..note import Note
from collections import OrderedDict
# A template dictionary defining the 'running status' of MusicXml parsing. The
# load() method copies the template for each score it parses and passes it to
# the parsing routines so they can access and store relevant data:
# score: The Notation being created
# part: The current Part. This value resets for every new part.
# measure: The current measure. This value resets for every new measure and every part.
# divisions: The current division. This value resets for every new division and every part
# note: The current note. This value changes for every new note, measure, and part.
# meter: The most recent meter encountered in the score.
# key: The most recent key encountered in the score.
# onset: The Fraction onset time for the next note. This value is reset to 0 for each
# measure and incremented by the duration of notes, forwards and backups.
# tempo: A tempo map in score beats.
_DATA = {
"score": None, "part": None, "measure": None, "divisions": None,
"note": None, "meter:": None, "key": None, "onset": None, "tempo": None
class Notation():
A class representing a MusicXml score. A Notation contains Part objects and
metadata : dict
A dictionary of metadata about the MusicXml score, e.g. title,
copyright, etc.
parts : list
A list of Parts parsed from the MusicXml file.
Given a Notation you can iterate all its elements like this:
for part in notation:
for measure in part:
for element in measure:
To access vertical note structures in the score's measures you can iterate the
score's timepoints like this:
for measure in notation.timepoints():
for timepoint in measure:
def __init__(self, metadata={}, parts=[]):
self.metadata = copy(metadata)
"""A dictionary of MusicXml score metadata.""" = []
"""A list containing the score's musical parts."""
for p in parts:
def __iter__(self):
Iterates the Part objects in the Notation.
return iter(
def __repr__(self):
title = self.metadata.get('work-title', None)
if title is None:
title = self.metadata.get('movement-title', '(untitled)')
return f'<Notation: "{title}" {hex(id(self))}>'
__str__ = __repr__
def add_part(self, part):
Appends a Part to the Notation's part list.
part.score = self # back link from part to its score
def print(self, metadata=False):
Recursively prints the contents of the Notation. If metadata is True
then only the contents of the metadata dictionary is printed.
pad = " "
if metadata:
if self.metadata:
for i in list(self.metadata):
print(f"{pad}{repr(i)}: {repr(self.metadata[i])}")
print(pad*0, self, sep=None)
for p in self:
print(pad*1, p, sep=None)
for m in p:
print(pad*2, m)
for e in m:
print(pad*3, e)
def timepoints(self, trace=False, spanners=False, flatten=False):
Returns a list of Timepoint objects grouped in measures. See: Timepoint.
trace : bool
If true then the time points are displayed.
spanners : bool
If true then notes that began earlier than the current timepoint
but are still sounding during the timepoint are added to the
timepoint. A spanner is disinguishable from other notes in
the timepoint by virtue of its earlier start time than the timepoint
and its inclusion in the Timepoint.spanners list. A spanners will
appear as a 'repeat sign' :: in the trace output.
flatten : bool
If flatten is true then the timepoint list is flat , i.e. it does
not organizes measures as sublists in the list.
def _addspans(measure):
# measure is a list of timepoints sorted by time.
if len(measure) < 2: # need at least 2 timepoints to span...
for tp1,tp2 in zip(measure, measure[1:]):
#print(f"beat: {tp1.onset} {tp1.notemap}")
#print(f"beat: {tp2.onset} {tp2.notemap}")
added = False
for (pid, note) in tp1.notemap.items():
if note.time + note.duration > tp2.onset:
# add note from left timepoint into the right timepoint.
tp2.notemap[pid] = note
# register note as a spanner in this timepoint.
tp2.spanners.append(note )
added = True
# if spanners were added (re)sort the notemap by part id.
if added:
tp2.notemap = {id:tp2.notemap[id] for id in sorted(tp2.notemap)}
# Flop the part measures so all measures with the same id are grouped
# p1 p2 m1 m2 m3
# m1 m2 m3 m1 m2 m3 p1 p2 p1 p2 p1 p2
# together, e.g.: [[1, 2, 3],[1, 2, 3]] => [[1, 1],[2, 2],[3, 3]]
groups = [measures for measures in zip(*[part.measures for part in self])]
# iterate each group of measures
timepoints = []
for group in groups:
# iterate each measure in the group combining their timepoints
measurepoints = []
for measure in group:
for element in measure:
if isinstance(element, Note):
# ident = f"{}.{}.{element.get_mxml('voice')}"
ident = f"{}.{element.get_mxml('voice')}"
onset = element.time
have = next((x for x in measurepoints if x.onset == onset))
have.notemap[ident] = element
except StopIteration:
tp = Timepoint(onset)
tp.notemap[ident] = element
# sort the measure timepoints by their onsets
if spanners:
if trace:
for tp in measurepoints:
if flatten:
return timepoints
# def seq(self, applytempo=True):
# """
# Returns a sequence of copied notes for playback or writing to midi files.
# Parameters
# ----------
# tempocurve : bool
# If true the timepoints
# """
# pass
# # tpoints = self.timepoints()
# # tempomap = self.metadata['tempo-map']
# # for measlist in tpoints:
# # for point in measlist:
class Timepoint():
A Timepoint is an analytical structure containing an onset beat in a
measure and the vertical 'slice' of all the notes that begin at that beat
irrespective of which part, staff or voice they belong to. The note
entries within each Timepoint are maintained in a dictionary whose keys
are part.measure.voice identifiers and whose values are the notes that
begin at the Timepoint's beat.
onset : Fraction
The metric onset of the timepoint in the measure.
def partids(self):
Returns the (sorted) list of part.measure.voice identifiers
active in this timepoint.
return self.notemap.keys()
def notes(self, spanners=True):
Returns the notes in the timepoint sorted by voice id.
If spanners is true then notes currently sounding
from previous timepoints (if any) are included.
if spanners:
return [self.notemap[id] for id in sorted(self.notemap)]
return [self.notemap[id] for id in sorted(self.notemap)
if self.notemap[id] not in self.spanners]
# def spanners(self):
# """
# Returns any notes that are currently sounding from previous timepoints.
# See: `timepoints(spanners=True)`
# """
# return self.spanners
def __init__(self, onset):
self.onset = onset
"""The ratio start time of the timepoint in its measure."""
self.notemap = {}
"""The note map dictionary. Its keys are part.measure.voice identifiers
and its values are `musx.note.Note` objects. Notes may be further tagged
as being either pitches, chords or rests."""
self.spanners = []
"""A list of notes that began in earlier timepoints but are still
sounding during this timepoint."""
def __lt__(self, other):
Returns true if self.beat is less than other, otherwise returns false.
return self.onset < other.onset
def __str__(self):
Returns a string contains the class name, the self.index attribute,
and a hexidecimal id.
#return f"<Timepoint {str(self.onset)} {len(self.notemap)}>"
#pstr = ", ".join([n._tagged_pitch_str() for n in self.notemap.values()])
#return f"<Timepoint: {str(self.onset)} ({pstr})>"
#return f"<Timepoint: {str(self.onset)}>"
strs = []
for id in self.notemap:
note = self.notemap[id]
info = f'{note._tagged_pitch_str()}, {note.duration}'
if note.time < self.onset:
info = "!" + info + "!"
info = "(" + info + ")"
info = id + ": " + info
text = ', '.join(strs)
return f"<Timepoint: {str(self.onset):<5} {text}>"
__repr__ = __str__
class Tempo():
Creates a tempo marking.
tempo : int
The tempo expressed as quarter notes per minute.
beat : Fraction
The beat value for the tempo change, defaults to Fraction(1,4) or a quarter note.
def __init__(self, tempo, beat=Fraction(1,4)):
self.tempo = tempo
self.beat = beat
def scale_to_tempo(self, value):
return value/self.beat * 60 / self.tempo
def __str__(self):
return f"<Tempo: {self.tempo} {str(self.beat)}>"
def __repr__(self):
return f"Tempo({self.tempo}, {repr(self.beat)})"
def _elementinfo(e):
Helper function prints Element info
return f"tag={e.tag}, attrs={e.attrib}, text='{e.text.strip() if e.text else ''}', children={len(e)}"
def _parse_barline(elem, DATA):
text = None
repeat = None
barline = None
location = elem.get('location', 'right') # right, left or middle
for s in iter(elem): # alterates: elem.getchildren() OR list(elem)
if s.tag == 'bar-style':
text = s.text
elif s.tag == 'repeat':
repeat = s.get('direction')
#print("text=", text, ", repeat=", repeat)
if text == 'regular': barline = Barline.Regular(location)
elif text == "light-light": barline = Barline.InteriorDouble(location)
elif text == "light-heavy":
if repeat == 'backward': barline = Barline.BackwardRepeat(location)
else: barline = Barline.FinalDouble(location)
elif text == "dotted": barline = Barline.Dotted(location)
elif text == "dashed": barline = Barline.Dashed(location)
elif text == "heavy": barline = Barline.Heavy(location)
elif text == "heavy-light":
if repeat == 'forward': barline = Barline.ForwardRepeat(location)
else: barline = Barline.HeavyLight(location)
elif text == "heavy-heavy": barline = Barline.HeavyHeavy(location)
elif text == "tick": barline = Barline.Tick(location)
elif text == "short": barline = Barline.Short(location)
elif text == 'none': barline = Barline.Regular(location) #Barline.INVISIBLE
elif text == None: barline = Barline.Regular(location) #Barline.INVISIBLE
assert barline, f"MusicXml: Invalid barline value: '{text}'."
def _parse_part(elem, DATA):
# create a new part and add it to the score
part = Part(elem.get('id'))
DATA['part'] = part
# initialize DATA for the new part.
# DATA['divisions'] = 1
DATA['measure'] = None
DATA['note'] = None
# added these
# DATA['onset'] = None
# DATA['meter'] = None
# DATA['key'] = None
# DATA['onset'] = None
def _parse_measure(elem, DATA):
# create a new measure and add it to the part
measure = Measure(elem.get('number'))
# cache the starting beat of this measure in the score. all
# note times in the measure will be relative to this onset.
if not DATA['measure']:
measure.onset = 0 # onset 0 for first measure in each part
# access the last note of the previous measure to calculate
# the onset time of this (new) measure
for e in DATA['measure'].elements[::-1]:
if isinstance(e, Note):
measure.onset = DATA['measure'].onset + e.time + e.duration
if elem.get('implicit') == 'yes':
measure.partial = True
DATA['measure'] = measure
# add the new measure to the part
# initialize data that resets each measure
DATA['note'] = None
DATA['onset'] = Fraction(0,1)
def _parse_attributes(elem, DATA):
measure = DATA['measure']
for s in elem.iter():
if s.tag == 'divisions':
divs = s.text
DATA['divisions'] = int(divs)
elif s.tag == 'clef':
sign = s.findtext('sign')
line = s.findtext('line')
staff = int(s.get('number', "1"))
clef = None
if sign == 'G':
clef = {'1': Clef.FrenchViolin(staff), '2': Clef.Treble(staff)}[line]
elif sign == 'F':
clef = {'3': Clef.BaritoneF(staff), '4': Clef.Bass(staff), '5': Clef.SubBass(staff)}[line]
elif sign == 'C':
clef = {'1': Clef.Soprano(staff), '2': Clef.MezzoSoprano(staff),
'3': Clef.Alto(staff), '4': Clef.Tenor(staff),'5': Clef.Baritone(staff)}[line]
elif sign == 'percussion':
clef = Clef.Percussion(staff)
assert clef, f"No clef for sign '{sign}' and line '{line}'"
elif s.tag == 'time':
num = s.findtext('beats')
den = s.findtext('beat-type')
staff = int(s.get("number", "0")) # 0=all staffs
meter = Meter(int(num), int(den), staff)
DATA['meter'] = meter
elif s.tag == 'key':
fifths = s.findtext('fifths')
text = s.findtext('mode', "major")
staff = int(s.get('number', "0")) # 0=all staffs
mode = {'major': Mode.MAJOR, 'minor': Mode.MINOR, 'dorian': Mode.DORIAN, 'phrygian': Mode.PHRYGIAN,
'lydian': Mode.LYDIAN, 'mixolydian': Mode.MIXOLYDIAN, 'aeolian': Mode.AEOLIAN, 'ionian': Mode.IONIAN,
'locrian': Mode.LOCRIAN}[text]
key = Key(int(fifths), mode, staff)
# measure.keys.append(key)
DATA['key'] = key
def _parse_note(elem, DATA):
first = elem[0].tag
# first can be 'grace', 'cue', 'chord', 'rest'
if first in ['grace', 'cue']:
type = 'note'
duration = None
pitch = None
voice = 1 # ??? default?
staff = None # ??? default?
dots = 0
note = None
#tupa,tupn = None,None
for e in elem.iter():
if e.tag == 'pitch':
step = e.findtext('step')
alter = e.findtext('alter', "")
if alter:
alter = {-2: 'bb', -1: 'b', 0: '', 1: '#', 2: '##'}.get(int(alter), '')
octave = e.findtext('octave')
pitch = Pitch(step + alter + octave)
elif e.tag == 'rest':
type = e.tag
pitch = Pitch()
elif e.tag == 'chord':
type = e.tag
elif e.tag == 'duration':
duration = int(e.text.strip())
elif e.tag == 'dot':
dots += 1
elif e.tag == 'type':
elif e.tag == 'stem':
elif e.tag == 'voice':
voice = int(e.text)
elif e.tag == 'staff':
# duration == dur/div * 1/4 == dur/(div*4)
duration = Fraction(duration, DATA['divisions'] * 4)
onset = DATA['onset']
# if DATA['measure'].partial:
# onset = DATA['meter'].measure_dur() - duration
# #print("*****", "measnum=", DATA['measure'].id, "measuredur=", DATA['meter'].measure_dur(), "duration=", duration)
# else:
# onset = DATA['onset']
#print("part=", DATA['part'].id, "measure=", DATA['measure'].id, " onset=", onset, " pitch=", pitch)
note = Note(time=onset, duration=duration, pitch=pitch) #, instrument=voice
note.set_mxml('voice', voice)
if type == 'chord':
# if chording add note as a child of the previous note
# if note or rest add it to the current measure and update onset time.
DATA['note'] = note
DATA['onset'] += duration
#print("***", "type:", type, "onset:", onset, "dur:", duration, "dots:", dots, "pitch:", pitch, "voice:", voice)
# score time: if this is a partial measure then the onset time of the note
# is calcuated as measuredur - duration
# create the note and fill its attributes. if it is a chord, then update the
# measure to contain a Chord instead of a Note.
def _parse_backup(elem, DATA):
duration = int(elem.findtext('duration'))
duration = Fraction(duration, DATA['divisions'] * 4)
DATA['onset'] -= duration
def _parse_forward(elem, DATA):
duration = int(elem.findtext('duration'))
duration = Fraction(duration, DATA['divisions'] * 4)
DATA['onset'] += duration
# FIXME: what to do with these?
def _parse_work_title(elem, DATA):
DATA['score'].metadata['work-title'] = elem.text
def _parse_work_number(elem, DATA):
DATA['score'].metadata['work-number'] = elem.text
def _parse_movement_title(elem, DATA):
DATA['score'].metadata['movement-title'] = elem.text
def _parse_movement_number(elem, DATA):
DATA['score'].metadata['movement-number'] = elem.text
def _parse_work_creator(elem, DATA):
DATA['score'].metadata['creator'] = elem.text
def _parse_work_rights(elem, DATA):
DATA['score'].metadata['rights'] = elem.text
def _parse_score_part(elem, DATA):
# elem is 'score-part'
metadata = DATA['score'].metadata
partdata = metadata['partdata']
except KeyError:
partdata = {}
metadata['partdata'] = partdata
# add an empty info dictionary for the new part id.
id = elem.get('id')
partdata[id] = {'name': "", 'channel': 0, 'program': 0, 'volume': 90/127}
info = partdata[id]
for e in elem.iter():
if e.tag == 'part-name':
if e.text: # apparently this can be empty! (chopin_prelude_op28_no20.xml)
info['name'] = e.text.strip()
elif e.tag == 'midi-channel':
info['channel'] = int(e.text)
elif e.tag == 'midi-program':
info['program'] = int(e.text)
elif e.tag == 'volume':
info['volume'] = float(e.text)
def _parse_sound(elem, DATA):
tempo=elem.get("tempo", None)
if tempo:
# add next tempo to map: [<scoretime> <tempo>]
scoretime = DATA['measure'].onset + DATA['onset']
thistempo = [ scoretime*1.0, int(tempo) ]
# def _parse_sound(elem, DATA):
# tempo=elem.get("tempo", None)
# if tempo:
# print("**** TEMPO measure=", DATA['measure'].id, ", tempo=", tempo)
# DATA['measure'].add_element(Tempo(int(tempo)))
# Dictionary of parsing functions accessed by the corresponding MusicXml tag
# name. Tags that are not in this dictionary are either not parsed or parsed
# by a function that is in the dictionary.
'score-part': _parse_score_part,
'part': _parse_part,
'measure': _parse_measure,
'attributes': _parse_attributes,
'barline': _parse_barline,
'note': _parse_note,
'backup': _parse_backup,
'forward': _parse_forward,
'work-title': _parse_work_title,
'work-number': _parse_work_number,
'movement-title': _parse_movement_title,
'movement-number': _parse_movement_number,
'creator': _parse_work_creator,
'rights': _parse_work_rights,
'sound': _parse_sound
def load(path, trace=False):
Returns a `Notation` containing the contents of a MusicXml file.
path : string
The pathname of the MusicXml file to load.
trace : bool
If true the raw MusicXml elements are printed to the terminal
during the loading process.
global _DATA
document = musicxml.parse(path, silence=True)
assert isinstance(document, musicxml.score_partwise), f"not a partwise musicxml file: '{path}'."
root = getattr(document, 'gds_elementtree_node_') # root element of document
assert isinstance(root, etree._Element) and root.tag == 'score-partwise', f"not a score-partwise element: {root}."
# a dictionary maintaining the running status of parsing.
DATA = _DATA.copy()
DATA['score'] = Notation(metadata={'file': os.path.abspath(path), 'tempo-map': []})
DATA['divisions'] = 1 # default MusicXml divisions is 1 quarter note.
DATA['tempo'] = [] # list of [score_time tempo ..]
# a depth-first traversal of all elements in the document.
for x in root.iter():
if trace:
print(f"tag={x.tag}, attrs={x.attrib}, text='{x.text.strip() if x.text else ''}', children={len(x)}")
parser = _PARSERS.get(x.tag)
if parser:
parser(x, DATA)
# # default tempo is 120 ??
# if not DATA['score']['tempo-map']:
# DATA['score']['tempo-map'].extend([Fraction(0,1), Tempo(120)])
return DATA['score']
if __name__ == "__main__":
def load(path, trace=False)
Returns a
containing the contents of a MusicXml file.Parameters
- The pathname of the MusicXml file to load.
- If true the raw MusicXml elements are printed to the terminal during the loading process.
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def load(path, trace=False): """ Returns a `Notation` containing the contents of a MusicXml file. Parameters ---------- path : string The pathname of the MusicXml file to load. trace : bool If true the raw MusicXml elements are printed to the terminal during the loading process. """ global _DATA document = musicxml.parse(path, silence=True) assert isinstance(document, musicxml.score_partwise), f"not a partwise musicxml file: '{path}'." root = getattr(document, 'gds_elementtree_node_') # root element of document assert isinstance(root, etree._Element) and root.tag == 'score-partwise', f"not a score-partwise element: {root}." # a dictionary maintaining the running status of parsing. DATA = _DATA.copy() DATA['score'] = Notation(metadata={'file': os.path.abspath(path), 'tempo-map': []}) DATA['divisions'] = 1 # default MusicXml divisions is 1 quarter note. DATA['tempo'] = [] # list of [score_time tempo ..] # a depth-first traversal of all elements in the document. for x in root.iter(): if trace: print(f"tag={x.tag}, attrs={x.attrib}, text='{x.text.strip() if x.text else ''}', children={len(x)}") parser = _PARSERS.get(x.tag) if parser: parser(x, DATA) # # default tempo is 120 ?? # if not DATA['score']['tempo-map']: # DATA['score']['tempo-map'].extend([Fraction(0,1), Tempo(120)]) return DATA['score']
class Notation (metadata={}, parts=[])
A class representing a MusicXml score. A Notation contains Part objects and metadata.
- A dictionary of metadata about the MusicXml score, e.g. title, copyright, etc.
- A list of Parts parsed from the MusicXml file.
Given a Notation you can iterate all its elements like this:
for part in notation: for measure in part: for element in measure: print(element)
To access vertical note structures in the score's measures you can iterate the score's timepoints like this:
for measure in notation.timepoints(): for timepoint in measure: print(timepoint)
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class Notation(): """ A class representing a MusicXml score. A Notation contains Part objects and metadata. Parameters ---------- metadata : dict A dictionary of metadata about the MusicXml score, e.g. title, copyright, etc. parts : list A list of Parts parsed from the MusicXml file. Given a Notation you can iterate all its elements like this: for part in notation: for measure in part: for element in measure: print(element) To access vertical note structures in the score's measures you can iterate the score's timepoints like this: for measure in notation.timepoints(): for timepoint in measure: print(timepoint) """ def __init__(self, metadata={}, parts=[]): self.metadata = copy(metadata) """A dictionary of MusicXml score metadata.""" = [] """A list containing the score's musical parts.""" for p in parts: self.add_part(p) def __iter__(self): """ Iterates the Part objects in the Notation. """ return iter( def __repr__(self): title = self.metadata.get('work-title', None) if title is None: title = self.metadata.get('movement-title', '(untitled)') return f'<Notation: "{title}" {hex(id(self))}>' __str__ = __repr__ def add_part(self, part): """ Appends a Part to the Notation's part list. """ part.score = self # back link from part to its score def print(self, metadata=False): """ Recursively prints the contents of the Notation. If metadata is True then only the contents of the metadata dictionary is printed. """ pad = " " if metadata: if self.metadata: print("{") for i in list(self.metadata): print(f"{pad}{repr(i)}: {repr(self.metadata[i])}") print("}") return print(pad*0, self, sep=None) for p in self: print(pad*1, p, sep=None) for m in p: print(pad*2, m) for e in m: print(pad*3, e) def timepoints(self, trace=False, spanners=False, flatten=False): """ Returns a list of Timepoint objects grouped in measures. See: Timepoint. Parameters ---------- trace : bool If true then the time points are displayed. spanners : bool If true then notes that began earlier than the current timepoint but are still sounding during the timepoint are added to the timepoint. A spanner is disinguishable from other notes in the timepoint by virtue of its earlier start time than the timepoint and its inclusion in the Timepoint.spanners list. A spanners will appear as a 'repeat sign' :: in the trace output. flatten : bool If flatten is true then the timepoint list is flat , i.e. it does not organizes measures as sublists in the list. """ def _addspans(measure): # measure is a list of timepoints sorted by time. if len(measure) < 2: # need at least 2 timepoints to span... return for tp1,tp2 in zip(measure, measure[1:]): #print(f"beat: {tp1.onset} {tp1.notemap}") #print(f"beat: {tp2.onset} {tp2.notemap}") added = False for (pid, note) in tp1.notemap.items(): if note.time + note.duration > tp2.onset: # add note from left timepoint into the right timepoint. tp2.notemap[pid] = note # register note as a spanner in this timepoint. tp2.spanners.append(note ) added = True # if spanners were added (re)sort the notemap by part id. if added: tp2.notemap = {id:tp2.notemap[id] for id in sorted(tp2.notemap)} # Flop the part measures so all measures with the same id are grouped # p1 p2 m1 m2 m3 # m1 m2 m3 m1 m2 m3 p1 p2 p1 p2 p1 p2 # together, e.g.: [[1, 2, 3],[1, 2, 3]] => [[1, 1],[2, 2],[3, 3]] groups = [measures for measures in zip(*[part.measures for part in self])] # iterate each group of measures timepoints = [] for group in groups: # iterate each measure in the group combining their timepoints measurepoints = [] for measure in group: for element in measure: if isinstance(element, Note): # ident = f"{}.{}.{element.get_mxml('voice')}" ident = f"{}.{element.get_mxml('voice')}" onset = element.time try: have = next((x for x in measurepoints if x.onset == onset)) have.notemap[ident] = element except StopIteration: tp = Timepoint(onset) tp.notemap[ident] = element measurepoints.append(tp) # sort the measure timepoints by their onsets measurepoints.sort() if spanners: _addspans(measurepoints) if trace: for tp in measurepoints: print(str(tp)) print() if flatten: timepoints.extend(measurepoints) else: timepoints.append(measurepoints) return timepoints # def seq(self, applytempo=True): # """ # Returns a sequence of copied notes for playback or writing to midi files. # Parameters # ---------- # tempocurve : bool # If true the timepoints # """ # pass # # tpoints = self.timepoints() # # tempomap = self.metadata['tempo-map'] # # for measlist in tpoints: # # for point in measlist:
Instance variables
var metadata
A dictionary of MusicXml score metadata.
var parts
A list containing the score's musical parts.
def add_part(self, part)
Appends a Part to the Notation's part list.
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def add_part(self, part): """ Appends a Part to the Notation's part list. """ part.score = self # back link from part to its score
def print(self, metadata=False)
Recursively prints the contents of the Notation. If metadata is True then only the contents of the metadata dictionary is printed.
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def print(self, metadata=False): """ Recursively prints the contents of the Notation. If metadata is True then only the contents of the metadata dictionary is printed. """ pad = " " if metadata: if self.metadata: print("{") for i in list(self.metadata): print(f"{pad}{repr(i)}: {repr(self.metadata[i])}") print("}") return print(pad*0, self, sep=None) for p in self: print(pad*1, p, sep=None) for m in p: print(pad*2, m) for e in m: print(pad*3, e)
def timepoints(self, trace=False, spanners=False, flatten=False)
Returns a list of Timepoint objects grouped in measures. See: Timepoint. Parameters
- If true then the time points are displayed.
- If true then notes that began earlier than the current timepoint but are still sounding during the timepoint are added to the timepoint. A spanner is disinguishable from other notes in the timepoint by virtue of its earlier start time than the timepoint and its inclusion in the Timepoint.spanners list. A spanners will appear as a 'repeat sign' :: in the trace output.
- If flatten is true then the timepoint list is flat , i.e. it does not organizes measures as sublists in the list.
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def timepoints(self, trace=False, spanners=False, flatten=False): """ Returns a list of Timepoint objects grouped in measures. See: Timepoint. Parameters ---------- trace : bool If true then the time points are displayed. spanners : bool If true then notes that began earlier than the current timepoint but are still sounding during the timepoint are added to the timepoint. A spanner is disinguishable from other notes in the timepoint by virtue of its earlier start time than the timepoint and its inclusion in the Timepoint.spanners list. A spanners will appear as a 'repeat sign' :: in the trace output. flatten : bool If flatten is true then the timepoint list is flat , i.e. it does not organizes measures as sublists in the list. """ def _addspans(measure): # measure is a list of timepoints sorted by time. if len(measure) < 2: # need at least 2 timepoints to span... return for tp1,tp2 in zip(measure, measure[1:]): #print(f"beat: {tp1.onset} {tp1.notemap}") #print(f"beat: {tp2.onset} {tp2.notemap}") added = False for (pid, note) in tp1.notemap.items(): if note.time + note.duration > tp2.onset: # add note from left timepoint into the right timepoint. tp2.notemap[pid] = note # register note as a spanner in this timepoint. tp2.spanners.append(note ) added = True # if spanners were added (re)sort the notemap by part id. if added: tp2.notemap = {id:tp2.notemap[id] for id in sorted(tp2.notemap)} # Flop the part measures so all measures with the same id are grouped # p1 p2 m1 m2 m3 # m1 m2 m3 m1 m2 m3 p1 p2 p1 p2 p1 p2 # together, e.g.: [[1, 2, 3],[1, 2, 3]] => [[1, 1],[2, 2],[3, 3]] groups = [measures for measures in zip(*[part.measures for part in self])] # iterate each group of measures timepoints = [] for group in groups: # iterate each measure in the group combining their timepoints measurepoints = [] for measure in group: for element in measure: if isinstance(element, Note): # ident = f"{}.{}.{element.get_mxml('voice')}" ident = f"{}.{element.get_mxml('voice')}" onset = element.time try: have = next((x for x in measurepoints if x.onset == onset)) have.notemap[ident] = element except StopIteration: tp = Timepoint(onset) tp.notemap[ident] = element measurepoints.append(tp) # sort the measure timepoints by their onsets measurepoints.sort() if spanners: _addspans(measurepoints) if trace: for tp in measurepoints: print(str(tp)) print() if flatten: timepoints.extend(measurepoints) else: timepoints.append(measurepoints) return timepoints
class Tempo (tempo, beat=Fraction(1, 4))
Creates a tempo marking. Parameters
- The tempo expressed as quarter notes per minute.
- The beat value for the tempo change, defaults to Fraction(1,4) or a quarter note.
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class Tempo(): """ Creates a tempo marking. Parameters ---------- tempo : int The tempo expressed as quarter notes per minute. beat : Fraction The beat value for the tempo change, defaults to Fraction(1,4) or a quarter note. """ def __init__(self, tempo, beat=Fraction(1,4)): self.tempo = tempo self.beat = beat def scale_to_tempo(self, value): return value/self.beat * 60 / self.tempo def __str__(self): return f"<Tempo: {self.tempo} {str(self.beat)}>" def __repr__(self): return f"Tempo({self.tempo}, {repr(self.beat)})"
def scale_to_tempo(self, value)
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def scale_to_tempo(self, value): return value/self.beat * 60 / self.tempo
class Timepoint (onset)
A Timepoint is an analytical structure containing an onset beat in a measure and the vertical 'slice' of all the notes that begin at that beat irrespective of which part, staff or voice they belong to. The note entries within each Timepoint are maintained in a dictionary whose keys are part.measure.voice identifiers and whose values are the notes that begin at the Timepoint's beat.
- The metric onset of the timepoint in the measure.
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class Timepoint(): """ A Timepoint is an analytical structure containing an onset beat in a measure and the vertical 'slice' of all the notes that begin at that beat irrespective of which part, staff or voice they belong to. The note entries within each Timepoint are maintained in a dictionary whose keys are part.measure.voice identifiers and whose values are the notes that begin at the Timepoint's beat. Parameters ---------- onset : Fraction The metric onset of the timepoint in the measure. """ def partids(self): """ Returns the (sorted) list of part.measure.voice identifiers active in this timepoint. """ return self.notemap.keys() def notes(self, spanners=True): """ Returns the notes in the timepoint sorted by voice id. If spanners is true then notes currently sounding from previous timepoints (if any) are included. """ if spanners: return [self.notemap[id] for id in sorted(self.notemap)] return [self.notemap[id] for id in sorted(self.notemap) if self.notemap[id] not in self.spanners] # def spanners(self): # """ # Returns any notes that are currently sounding from previous timepoints. # See: `timepoints(spanners=True)` # """ # return self.spanners def __init__(self, onset): self.onset = onset """The ratio start time of the timepoint in its measure.""" self.notemap = {} """The note map dictionary. Its keys are part.measure.voice identifiers and its values are `musx.note.Note` objects. Notes may be further tagged as being either pitches, chords or rests.""" self.spanners = [] """A list of notes that began in earlier timepoints but are still sounding during this timepoint.""" def __lt__(self, other): """ Returns true if self.beat is less than other, otherwise returns false. """ return self.onset < other.onset def __str__(self): """ Returns a string contains the class name, the self.index attribute, and a hexidecimal id. """ #return f"<Timepoint {str(self.onset)} {len(self.notemap)}>" #pstr = ", ".join([n._tagged_pitch_str() for n in self.notemap.values()]) #return f"<Timepoint: {str(self.onset)} ({pstr})>" #return f"<Timepoint: {str(self.onset)}>" strs = [] for id in self.notemap: note = self.notemap[id] info = f'{note._tagged_pitch_str()}, {note.duration}' if note.time < self.onset: info = "!" + info + "!" else: info = "(" + info + ")" info = id + ": " + info strs.append(info) text = ', '.join(strs) return f"<Timepoint: {str(self.onset):<5} {text}>" __repr__ = __str__
Instance variables
var notemap
The note map dictionary. Its keys are part.measure.voice identifiers and its values are
objects. Notes may be further tagged as being either pitches, chords or rests. var onset
The ratio start time of the timepoint in its measure.
var spanners
A list of notes that began in earlier timepoints but are still sounding during this timepoint.
def notes(self, spanners=True)
Returns the notes in the timepoint sorted by voice id. If spanners is true then notes currently sounding from previous timepoints (if any) are included.
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def notes(self, spanners=True): """ Returns the notes in the timepoint sorted by voice id. If spanners is true then notes currently sounding from previous timepoints (if any) are included. """ if spanners: return [self.notemap[id] for id in sorted(self.notemap)] return [self.notemap[id] for id in sorted(self.notemap) if self.notemap[id] not in self.spanners]
def partids(self)
Returns the (sorted) list of part.measure.voice identifiers active in this timepoint.
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def partids(self): """ Returns the (sorted) list of part.measure.voice identifiers active in this timepoint. """ return self.notemap.keys()